When the Indians decided to return home for reinforcements, the slaves started moving again toward Mexico. Cal Robertson was eighty-nine years old when I married him forty years age, right on this porch. Everybody had plenty to eat and plenty to throw away. There was lots of preserves. Although he was born after slavery had ended, Nave's remembrances of what his father had told him about slavery days include some interesting details. Sometimes Joe bring other wife to visit Missus Jennie. Joseph Vann *Joseph Vann was born on this date in 1798. A few days later they caught up with the slaves, still in Indian Territory. He wanted people to know he was able to dress his slaves in fine clothes. In de second year of de War he sold my mammy and my aunt dat was Uncle Joe's wife and my two brothers and my little sister. Lord yes, su-er. Everybody had a good time. Dey come to de house one time when he was gone to Fort Smith and us children told dem he was at Honey Springs, but they knowed better and when he got home he said somebody shot at him and bushwhacked him all the way from Wilson's Rock to dem Wildhorse Mountains, but he run his horse like de devil was sitting on his tail and dey never did hit him. Sometimes we got to ride on one, cause we belonged to Old Jim Vann. Do you know what I am going to do? Born on February 11, 1798, in Murray County in northwest Georgia, Vann was the son of Chief James Vann and Margaret "Peggy" Scott. Missus Jenni lived in a big house in Webbers Falls. They wanted everybody to know we was Marster Vann's slaves. I got my allotment as a Cherokee Freedman, and so did Cal, but we lived here at this place because we was too old to work the land ourselves. Everybody laugh and was happy. Soon as you come out of the water you go over there and change clothes. The engineer's name was Jim Vann. His Uncle John Vann was the son in law of Terrepin and grandson-in-law of Oconastota; Oconastota was. Marster Jim and Missus Jennie wouoldn't let his house slaves to with no common dress out. When we wanted to go anywhere we always got a horse, we never walked. The most terrible thing that ever happen was when the Lucy Walker busted and Joe got blew up. We went on a place in de Red River Bottoms close to Shawneetown and not far from de place where all de wagons crossed over to go into Texas. She inherit about half a dozen slaves, and say dey was her own and old master can't sell one unless she give him leave to do it. Actually, the Assistant Principal Chief was Joseph "Tenulte" Vann, son of Avery Vann and probably a cousin of "Rich Joe" Vann. After it was wove they dyed it all colors, blue, brown, purple, red, yellow. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Vann, Feb 11 1798 - Spring Place, Murray, Georgia, United States, Oct 23 1844 - Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, United States. The other tribes were the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole.. They tell us what was happening and what to do. My pappy run away one time, four or five years before I was born, mammy tell me, and at that time a whole lot of Cherokee slaves run off at once. Young Master never whip his slaves, but if they don't mind good he sell them off sometimes. Some of the Masters family was always going down to the river and back, and every time they come in I have to fix something to eat. Bus operators. Old Mistress cried jest like any of de rest of us when de boat pull out with dem on it. To get better results, add more information such as Birth Info, Death Info and Locationeven a guess will help. Lord it was terible. A the Roanoke rapids what Roanoke rapids makes makes Roanoke rapids Herald clab8i.fied advert bin gets Quick results a k k volume Xxxiii Roanoke rapids n. C. Thursday january 29, 1948 number 13 Weldon chief says he is not quitting four county delegates Halifax county farm Bureau will have four voting delegates in addition to a sizable Contin . (Note: Can we assume this is the same Joseph Vann that was given 150 acres below Keg Creek on the Savannah River (Dec 1764).It is 9 years later and there are 4 more children. She bossed all the other colored women and see that they sew it right. Biography. Because I'se so little, Missus Jennie took me into the Big house and raised me. I lost my land trying to live honest and pay my debts. They'd clap their hands and holler. Wupsi. He sold one of my brothers, and one sister because they kept running off. Up at five o'clock and back in sometimes about de middle of de evening long before sundown, unless they was a crop to git in before it rain or something like dat. You know just what day you have to be back too. He was called by his contemporaries "Rich Joe" and many legends of his wealth ware still told among the Cherokees. That was where all the food was kept. My uncle belong to old Captain Joe nearly all his life. John Joseph Vann B: 1730 Scotland, M: Wai-Li Princess of Cherokee - 1763,D: 1780 Tennessee, shot by son James (Chief Crazy James) John Vann. A Scottish trader came to Cherokee Territory in 1755, married Wai-Li and became a licensed trader-interpreter for the Queen of England. When I left Mrs. McGee's I worked about three years for Mr. Sterling Scott and Mr. Roddy Reese. sse Vann, James Clement Jr. Vann, Mary Vann, Delila Copeland (born Vann), John Vann, John Vann, Joseph Vann, John Vann, Mary Vann, Robert sse Vann, James Clement Jr. Vann, Mary Vann, Delila Copeland (born Vann), John Vann, John Vann, Joseph H Vann, John Vann, Mary Vann, Robe James (Ti-ka-lo-hi) (James Wahli Vann Etc. Everybody was happy. Them Pins was after Master all de time for a while at de first of de War, and he was afraid to ride into Ft. Smith much. Marr. They taken some of their slaves with them. All the Vann marsters was good looking. Born in Spring Place, Murray, Georgia, United States on 11 Feb 1765 to John Joseph 'Indian Trader' Cherokee Vann and WahLi Wa-Wli aka Polly Otterlifter Mary Christiana Otterlifter Wolf Clan. Some 70 years after "the War," during America's Great Depression, the Works Progress Administration assigned numerous people to interview former slaves and record their recollections of slavery. There was big parties and dances. He had charge of all Master Chism's and Master Vann's race horses. When night came we cut grass and put the bed clothes on top for a bed. Young, Mary., "The Cherokee Nation: Mirror of the Republic", (American Quarterly), Vol. They had one son: Isaac Vann. The slave cabins was in a row, and we lived in one of them. Those included in this collection all mention the Vanns. My mother saw it but the colored chillun' couldn't. Christmas lasted a whole month. He is indeed of warm temper, but who can gain his love, which is no hard task, has gained all, and we have no doubt that with reasonable management, he may be made a very useful man.". My mammy was a Cherokee slave, and talked it good. It wasn't my Master done dat. She won me lots of money, Black Hock did, and I kept it in the Savings Bank in Tahlequah. Dey only had two families of slaves wid about twenty in all, and dey only worked about fifty acres, so we sure did work every foot of it good. We had seven horses and a litle buffalo we'd raised from when its little. Now I'se just old forgotten woman. He wouldn't take us way off, but just for a ride. Mammy got a wagon and we traveled around a few days and go to Fort Gibson. Once they catch a catfish most as big as a man; that fish had eggs big as hen eggs, and he made a feast for twenty-five Indians on the fishing party. They'd sell 'em to folks at picnics and barbecues. Uncle Joe tell us all to lay low and work hard and nobody'd bother us and he would look after us. Joseph married Jennie Vann (born Doublehead) on date. Old Master Joe had a big steam boat he called the Lucy Walker, and he run it up and down the Arkansas and the Mississippi and the Ohio river, old Mistress say. He and Master took race horses down the river, away off and they'd come back with sacks of money that them horses won in the races. Marster had a big Christmas tree, oh great big tree, put on the porch. So many years had passed since slavery ended that most of the former slaves then available for interviews had been born very near the end of the slavery era. woodland hills market owner; warframe norg brain without bait; firefighter class a uniform pin placement. John Joseph had two wives named Agnes Weatherford, Wawli War-le Wah Li Mary Otterlifter (Cherokee) and nine children named Keziah, John Isaac, Joseph David Joe, Alcey Mary Ann, James Clement Clemens, Avery, Mary B . While attending the American Board college in Cornwall, Connecticut, he met and married Harriet Gold. Elizabeth Scott; parents of Delilah Vann; married Nancy Brown; parents of Mary b. Run it to the bank! but it sunk and him and old Master died. Joseph also inherited his father's gold and deposited over $200,000 in gold in a bank in Tennessee. Again the Indian command system lost the Chickamauga their last chance to carry their colors to the Clinch River. Because mamma was sick then he brought her sister Sucky Pea and her husband, Charley Pea, to help around wid him. In ever did see no money neither, until time of de War or a little before. I had two brothers, Silas and George, dat belong to Mr. George Holt in Webber's falls town. Sometimes just white folks danced; sometimes just the black folks. We was too tired when we come in to play any games. I slept on a sliding bed. Mammy died in Texas, and when we left Rusk County after the Civil War, pappy took us children to the graveyard. I think I hear 'em say mamma was born on Bull Creek; that somewhere up near Kansas, maybe near Coffeyville. Missus Jenni lived in a big house in Webbers Fall.s Don't know where the other one lived. He jest kept him and he was a good negro after that. He took us back to Texas right down near where I was born at Bellview. The cooks would bake hams, turkey cakes and pies and there'd be lots to eat and lots of whiskey for the men folks. And dishes, they had rows and rows of china dishes; big blue platters that would hold a whole turkey. No nails in none of dem nor in de chairs and tables. There was a big church. They get something they need too. Records may include photos, original documents, family history, relatives, specific dates, locations and full names. One day Missus Jennie say to Marster Jim, she says, "Mr. Vann, you come here. My mother, grandmother, aunt Maria and cousin Clara, all worked in the big house. He tell us for we start, what we must say and what to do. MLA Source Citation: AccessGenealogy.com. You know just what day you have to be back too. His pappy was old Captain "Rich Joe" Vann, and he had been dead ever since long before de War. They got over in the Creek country and stood off the Cherokee officers that went to git them, but pretty soon they give up and come home. We never had no school in slavery and it was agin' the law for anybody to even show a negro de letters and figures, so no Cherokee slave could read. Florence Smith was my first wife and Ida Vann the second. By and by I married Nancy Holdebrand what lived on Greenleaf Creek, bout four miles northwest of Gore. Dey would come up in a bunch of about nine men on horses and look at all our passes, and if a negro didn't have no pass dey wore him out good and made him go home. Its got a buokeys and a lead bullet in it. about chief joseph vann family tree please comment if we missed anything here, please let us know. Dey would come in de night and hamstring de horses and maybe set fire to de barn, and two of em named Joab Scarrel, and Tom Starr killed my pappy one night just before the War broke out. Meany and Curtis helped Joseph's family bury their chief near the village of Nespelem, Washington. Vann's father, James . It was "Don't Call the Roll, Jesus Because I'm Coming Home." 1795(Chas.Fox Taylor)(John Stidham,Sr. See other search results for Chief Joseph David VANN Ready to discover your family story? Born on February 11, 1789, he was also a planter, and businessman who owned slaves, and steamboats among others. Joe had two wives, one was named Missus Jennie. Lots of soldiers around all the time though. World War I began in 1914. I had one brother and one sister sold when I was little and I dont remember the names. Husband of Da-Ni;parents of Jesse Vann. There was lots of preserves. 29 November 2015. http://www.accessgenealogy.com/black-genealogy/slave-narrative-of-b - Last updated on Aug 24th, 2012, VANN SLAVES REMEMBER 2003 By Herman McDaniel Murray County Museum. In summer when it was hot, the slaves would sit in the shade evening's and make wooden spoons out of maple. She come up and put her nose on your just like this---nibble nibble, nibble. After it was wove they dyed it all colors, blue, brown, purple, red, yellow. I never did see my daddy excepting when I was a baby and I only know what my mammy told me about him. Lord yes su-er. The man put dem on a block and sold em to a man dat had come in on a steamboat, and he took dem off on it when de freshet come down and de boat could go back to Fort Smith. I been a good Christian ever since I was baptized, but I keep a little charm here on my neck anyways to keep me from having the nose bleed. The place was all woods, and the Cherokees and the soldiers all come down to see the baptising. We went down to the river for baptizings. Its massive walls and hand-carved woodwork show excellent workmanship, and its unique hanging staircase is a marvel that piques the interest of many visitors. The low class work in the fields. The married folks lived in little houses and there was big long houses for all the single men. A town was laid out on his Hamilton Country farm which was called, Vanntown. The command of the Army was shared by Doublehead and Watts. At the time that the interviews were conducted, the Vanns had been gone from Georgia for more than 100 yearsconsequently none of the slaves the Vanns owned in Spring Place were still alive. I'm glad the War's over and I am free to meet God like anybody else, and my grandchildren can learn to read and write. We had about twenty calves and I would take dem out and graze-em while some grown-up negro was grazing de cows so as to keep de cows milk. My missus name was Doublehead before she married Jim Vann. Black Hock was awful attached to the kitchen. Yes, Lord Yes. Thank you for visiting chief joseph vann family tree page. I had a silver dine on it, too, for a long time, but I took it off and got me a box of snuff. We had a good song I remember. Sometimes us children would try to follow her, but she'd turn us around pretty quick and chase us back with: "Go on back to the house or the wolves get you.". He was a slave on the Chism plantation, but came to Vann's all the time on account of the horses. All the slaves lived in a log house. Betty Robertson's father worked aboard Joseph Vann's steamboat, Lucy Walker. MK DIXON Funeral Home, 337-940-9253 . He died when the boat's boilers exploded. 1) Chief Doublehead (a rival of James Vann) 2) John Foreman a) Elizabeth Foreman m. John Elliott (white) 3) James Vann a) Sally Vann m. Evan Nicholson (white) / James Lamar (white) b.1797 F)Dawnee, described by the Moravian missionaries as a poor full blood woman, who was often drunk.She had at least 2 and maybe 3 husbands: 1) James Vann Mammy had the wagon and two oxen and we worked a good size patch there until she died, and then I git married to Cal Robertson to have somebody to take care of me. Thompson, mixed blood Cherokee Indian, but before that pappy had been owned by three different master; one was the Rich Joe Vann who lived down at Webber Falls and another was Chief Lowery of the Cherokees. Unfortunately, this building was later destroyed during the American Civil War. Born 11 February 1798 - Spring Place, Cherokee Nation-East, IT., GA. Deceased 23 October 1844 - Aboard the Lucy Walker,aged 46 years old Parents James Vann, Chief 1809 Nancy Ann Timberlake Brown 1780-1850 Spouses and children Married, Georgia., USA, to Elizabeth Catherine Rowe 1798- with Living Vann Clarinda Rebecca Vann ca 1817- Delia Vann 1834- The following slave narratives all mention the Vanns. There was Mr. Jim Collins, and Mr. Bell, and Mr. Dave Franklin, and Mr. Jim Sutton and Mr. Blackburn that lived around close to us and dey all had slaves. They never sent us anywhere with a cotton dress. He was a Cherokee leader who owned Diamond Hill (now known as the Chief Vann House), many slaves, taverns, and steamboats that he operated on the Arkansas, Mississippi, Ohio, and Tennessee Rivers. Then, in Section 2, John Vann's own records will be presented as unembellished as can be in order to glimpse him at work as a Chickasaw packman, Cherokee trader and government translator. Joseph jenkins funeral home obituaries. De brothers was Sam and Eli. My mother was born way back in the hills of the old Flint district of the Cherokee Nation; just about where Scraper Oklahoma is now. In 1837 ptior to the main Cherokee Removal, he transported a few hundred Cherokee men, women, children, slaves and horses aboard a flotilla of flat boats to Webber's Falls on the Arkansas River in Indian Territory. Dey was both raised round Webber's Falls somewhere. It made my Master mad, but dey didn't belong to him no more and he couldn't say nothing. Lord, Yes! I was afraid I would get cheated out of it cause I can't figure and read, so I tell old Master about it and he bought it off'n me. Some of the old chief's names was Gopher John, John Hawk and Wild Cat. They wanted everybody to know we was Marster Vann's slaves. No fusses, no bad words, no nothin like that. After being evicted from his father's mansion home "Diamond Hill" in 1834, Joseph moved his large family (he had two wives) and business operations to Tennessee, where he established a large plantation on the Tennessee River near the mouth of Ooltewah Creek that became the center of a settlement called Vann's Town (later the site of Harrison, Tennessee). Marster never whipped no one. The slaves who worked in the big house was the first class. Circa 1736 1815 Chief John Joseph Vann 1736 1815 Kansas. I got all my money and fine clothes from the marster and the missus. Dat just about lasted em through until dey died, I reckon. Us slaves lived in log cabins dat only had one room and no windows so we kept de doors open most of de time. Sometimes there was high waters that spoiled the current and the steamboats couldn't run. Like the Ph.D. and the Christmas tree, as Tony Weir has pointed out, the Festschrift is a German import.2 The literal . After the Removal, Joseph Vann was chosen the first Assistant Chief of the united Cherokee Nation under the new 1839 Constitution that was created in Indian Territory (Oklahoma), serving with Principal Chief John Ross. Sometimes the sleep was too deep and somebody would be late, but the master never punish anybody, and I never see anybody whipped and only one slave sold. It was in the Grand River close to the ford, and winter time. Marster and missus never allowed chillun to meddle in the big folks business. One day young Master come to the cabins and say we all free and cant' stay there lessn we want to go on working for him just like we'd been for our feed, an clothes. My land trying to live honest and pay my debts bed clothes on top for a.! Command system lost the Chickamauga their last chance to carry their colors to the graveyard I think I hear say... In none of dem nor in de chairs and tables his uncle Vann! 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