And for "love-asteroids" I prefer the harmonious aspects. An instant friendship is indicated. of Disappointment- square his Venus- square his Don Quixote- square his Pavlov- square his Drakonia- oppose his Jupiter- oppose his Amanda- oppose his Pt. It is the attitude and sense of motivation in a person. If you prefer, since you can attach charts in Lindaland, you can post the charts and we can continue the conversation there. My name is Noemi and I am trying to study astrology however I am quite new to it. Moon conjunct SapphoThe Sappho person would bring an erotic vibe to the relationship. Saturn conjunct Moon has a similar effect, but on an intimate level. This makes sense, it looks like Union shows where and how a person wants to make a connection with another. Which you should, with such a mystical and emotional double connection. She had the Plutonian - Aphrodisian promise, but she delivered it laced with URanus, she had him in her thrall, but wouldn`t allow a complete merging. I was wondering if anyone knew how Medusa plays out in Synastry. Pluto wants to penetrate into the Suns ego and personality and rewire them to think or behave the way they deem right. my name conj his juno his Moon and Mercury trines my sun We can check Juno in our natal chart, in synastry, and in composite charts. A's Aphrodite- sextile A's Venus- sextile A's Valentine- sextile A's Achilles- trine A's Lust- trine A's North Node- trine A's Lucifer- trine A's Icarus- square A's Mars- square A's Mercury- square A's Humptydumpty- oppose A's Juno- oppose A's Ceres, A's "UNION"- cj. And all that is just the beginning of the synastry! Enter or Select an Asteroid or Planet #38920 1898 DQ #433 1911 MT #719 1918 DB #887 1920 HZ #944 1924 TD #1036 1929 SH #1627 1932 EA1 #1221 1932 HA #1862 1936 CA #2101 1937 UB #69230 1947 XC #2201 1948 EA #1863 1948 OA #1685 1949 MA #1566 1950 DA #29075 1950 KA #1580 1950 LA #1980 1951 RA #1620 1953 EA #1915 1953 RA #1916 1959 LM #4183 1960 UA . we dont have any Deja / Nessus aspects only our Nessus is exact conj my Vesta conj his Mars in 8 house For example, we have composite moon (tropical) and composite mars (draco) at 26 Aquarius and composite mars (tropical) and composite sun (draco) at 17 Pisces. My love and I have many opposites. Wow, we have the dw. Mars Conjunct Venus: Yes, this one is more famous for synastry.The story of Medusa can apply to men too. I think this this is very significant, because the relationsihip is meant to heal both of us on many major levels. "Sex-asteroids" enjoy some tension, but too much tension in emotional context is not good. This is essentially the ultimate sacrifice anyone can make. December 2017 If you have ever had a child tease you, you know how that feels. Its one. Even the best positioned Juno will not bring a happy couple if there are disharmonious or hard exact Saturn inter-aspects to the personal points of the other partner or if there are detrimental midpoints between both. This would include the trine, sextile, square and opposition. Pattern Completion Venus Conjunction Pluto He will have strong powers to sway and influence you with his personal charisma and way of speaking in a strong, leadership kind of way. PlutoVenus conjunct Saturn Causing it to skip Leo and Aquarius from occupying a house in my chart. Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. It may be riches or it may be other personal traits which enhance the Moon persons live. How would moon in Aquarius 15 degrees conjunct Valentine at 11 degrees play out in my natal chart? This influence holds potential for misunderstanding and lack of emotional connection for the people involved, leaving them both feeling hurt and confused in the end. But that guy thought she liked him. I was never in situation like this before, it is so hard and so distracting, I am not teenager anymore so it is ridiculous and I feel embarrassed. sun cnj pluto The Moon is such an intimate and tender part of personal astrology. Lilith. Moon conjunct CupidoCupido is the look of love used to deceive. Our theme here is a great love that has the potential to turn into a great relationship, and viceversa. his Boda conj my Part of fortune If you were the Maniac, then I think you would bring them an unsettled energy that may make them moody. Certain planets or asteroids sitting on one of the angles can have a devastating effect. my Union is on 29.50 Librahis is on 29.28 Libra. Ceres feels quite unique. My Mars trine his Jup in Gem. Angel conj Nessus is interesting cuz the sexy Santana singer, Rob Thomas, has it. Taipei,Taiwan I mean, cappy. Venus conjunct Mercury Sensitivity is not one of Saturns qualities, but it is what the Moon needs to feel emotionally secure. My Bacchus exactly conjuncts his moon in Leo. Click on Extended Chart Selection. Angel 8 degrees Also, our synastry with the personal planets are pretty good, some double whammies, and both of us has aspects to each other's north and south node with our personal planet. It in no way, shape or form excuses harmful behavior or predicts abuse. Personal planets in the 6th house can simply mean the couple has strong involvement in day-to-day life. Thank you for summarizing all the important points. Neptune square Moon Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Registered: Feb 2010. My moon conj his Varuna in Taurus (and its in my 5th House, which is his 10th House) Me and someone have every planet and astroid in yin yang aspects and DW. Or it is possible that nothing would happen at all. Asteroids do not have the energetic pull of planets. These red flags mention potential indicators of abuse and toxic dynamics in synastry and natal charts. Though this configuration is not statistically significant, we found the connection between Juno and the Sun's zodiac sign of the partner confirmed in different other charts, which is remarkable anyway. Would this be good? You light up each other's path IF you agree to offer each other unconditional emotional support and care. If your planet aspects your partner's Juno, they will feel the urge to formalize the relationship. Venus square Pluto If THAT is not Pluto---what is? Can you tell me about this? So Venus/Mars to Sun/Moon in all combinations falls under this category. Click on My Astro. I'm going to do some more digging and will return.. thank you again so much!!! Actually, virtually every single Asteroid can be used on condition that you keep a very very tight orb. Saturn 8 degrees Hi ,Daleth please answer me~~~ thank you very much..I really love a girl, it's embarrassing to see our composite chart when not telling her, but i found in composite chart Eros/Psyche conj within 1 degree but no aspect in Synastry chart ~ and I feel like I love her with some reason(just met her for the first time..), maybe i don't have confident,maybe i'm a bad boy, so i ask this.,could you tell me something, please?? No much above mentioned CONJ in our synastry, except the close proximity of my Poseidon to her Moon. Hard aspects : a challenge connected to this person. Venus in the 12th house can indicate a partner who pursues affection outside the relationship when the 12th house person isnt around. When I see any strong conjunction of Chiron with a planet, I usually see a very close start to a relationship and a sharp break up over something insignificant. This is the language that goes beyond the superficial, "I will die for you," as many astrologers have discussed. Anyone has any info about it?? Sun in the 12th house at its worst can indicate the Sun person hides their true character from the 12th house person. I suppose I will let you decide. Similarly, if youre crushing on a coworker with personal planets in your 5th, 7th or 8th and your personal planets fall into their 6th, 10th or 11th houses they may see you as someone they really enjoy working with, but you dont activate their romantic or partnership zone. I typically count up to 3 degrees but sometimes astro counts up to 4so I usually go with whatever astro shows (if it says its Conjunct then so it is lol). Name Asteroids are only valid when activated through a tight aspect. Posts: 210. Hi Virgo :) I recommend this report: It is doing what one wants sexually, in a big way. I keep this secret with me, only my good friend knows about it and she is very understanding and supportive and she wants to help me to meet him. Thanks! Are you ok with the concept of a "twin flame" being a traumatic or otherwise unhealthy relationship? What if Varuna 23 degrees Gemini is conjunct Chiron 25 in both are in retrograde on the 8th house cusp? I have a problem settling but with Juno in the 1st I almost feel I need a relationship. His Sun Ven Moon very close to my Asc 10Aqu. I think not, someone a year older than me has Union 70 degrees apart from mine, Posts: 3671From: Bay Area, CARegistered: May 2009. I have Chiron & lilith in the 7th house so partnership for me is definately a challenge. The Basic House Rulers23 Simple Steps for Beginners. Synastry Aspects with the Vertex Sun- Vertex/Anti-Vertex: The Sun person's ego expression and core-being encapsulates the Vertex person's idea of the perfect mate. Actually, we don't really recommend using the Asteroids if you are a beginner or novice astrologer because you will lose oversight and may miss the real core and basics of the relationship. Synastry charts and composite charts are similar in that they both explore relationships. House 1 He is Pisces Sun , Libra Moon, Libra Ascendant born on 17 March 1987/21:00 Pallas is great wisdom as had the elders of the Indian tribes. If there are many and/or strong Siamese aspects between you, it is normal to feel an attraction that is a code for "similarity attracts". Moreover, three of us have our anti-vertices bunched together within 3 degrees of all this. (Even for progressed composite) Hi amiaan, how will you explain synastry has: I really dont understand the ideas behind intercepted houses. These astrological aspects do not by any means tell us whether the relationship is happy or healthy. Or is he a romantic interest? Sorry to bother you again but I have the Moon conjunct Valentine exact with someone. Lol. In my chart, my Asc is technically in Libra but starts close to Scorpio that it makes my 1st and 12th house in libra. For example: in a female natal chart, we found Juno in the zodiac sign Scorpio. Astrologers today commonly use 5 asteroids: Chiron, Ceres, Juno, Pallas Athena, and Vesta. 16 -- Psyche -- Perseverance of love . I allow a two degree orb. The Moon would feel understood. do you believe, that if for this reason she refuses to get married, she will be made to pay for it? The Kaali person may feel drained. Kiron in aries; house 7 Now I can`t get it out of my head. An example of an aspect shape includes a square, trine, conjunction, and more. And the planets / asteroids which are being aspected seem to indicate the nature of the (desired) bonding. But if their Moon opposes or squares your Ascendant, your attitude or outward energy may be too different from their emotional nature and therefor they may not be emotionally attracted to you. It`s not supernatural, but interesting.I think of Union as a rather neutral energy, only signifying that there might be a connection, but the kind of connection will be shown by other aspects, Posts: 4042From: Chennai, IndiaRegistered: Apr 2009, It is 26 Lib 57 0( mine) 26 Lib 13 27 so it would not be to the minute. (1566) ICARUS Capricorn 10th house Accidents, excessive risk, gambles that don't pay off, moving too fast, driving too fast, games of speed/risk. The IC or Imum Coeli is the most private part of a chart. This feels right,") and just slightly more hot-epic-thrilling to him (as in, "I must rip her clothes off right now! It feels like a beautiful animal, a cougar. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. In this case, the Moon person would be deceived by the Cupido person wanting to use him for an affair, but that is all. If you have multiple personal planets in their 11th house of friendship and communities, but lack planets in their 5th, 7th or 8th they may still feel strongly about you, but see you as a friend. Can the sun moon be in the same sign but not conj in degrees? her Desdemona- sextile her Sappho- sextile her Lust- sextile her Fantasia- sextile her Storm- sextile her Fanatica- sextile her Veritas- trine her Moon- trine her Jupiter- trine her Concordia- square her Valentine- square her Anacreon- square her Clinch- oppose her North Node- oppose her Amanda, B's "UNION"- cj. Eris can get on its high horse in such a way that you want to slap him silly. Moon conjunct Nemesis In this case, the Nemesis person may be an enemy to the Moon person. dear LeeLoo, sorry for calling you by the wrong name! I would not like it :/. They are smaller. They are not default reasons to run, but if your intuition picks up on something that feels off, I encourage you to explore that feeling and, if needed, access the resources available to protect your safety. IN my case,my Union is conjunct Jude`s Moon, and I probably wish for some sort of emotional connection, and it seems like it`s me with the emotional attachmetn. This would be an aspect of simpatico such as Moon conjunct Moon. If Chiron, Pluto or Uranus conjunct MC in a synastry chart, the couple may be known for having a painful, destructive or chaotic relationship that damages their reputations, as that dynamic is present out in the public eye. - his DC/Union/Destinn conjunct my AC (1/0/2);- his Amor oppose my AC (3);- his Union square my Saturn/Valentine/MC (2/0/0);- my Union trine his Amor (1), sextile his Valentine (0), trine his AC (3); - his Union sextile tMars (0), square tDestinn/tUnion/tBML(0/2/1); - my Union conjunct tSaturn/tValentine (0/2), trine tCupido (2); - tUnion oppose my Mars (2), conjunct my DC/Jupiter (0/2), trine my Uranus (0); - his Union sextile tVenus (1), square tAmor/tValentine (0/0); - tUnion trine his Sun (0), quincunx his Venus and Chiron (1/0), trine his Amor (3), square his Valentine (0), sextile his Cupido (0); - my Union trine tSun (1), oppose tChiron (0), sextile tJuno (1), conjunct tValentine (3), semi-sextile tUnion (1); - tUnion oppose My Mars (3), conjunct my DC (3), trine Uranus (1).