Anthony Raimondi: [00:23:28] Charlie was his nickname, but it wasn't his real name. There were big earners. He said, Yeah. They said, "If you handle it, then that means you belong here with us. This guy beat me so bad. I had a meal with them. Original Gangsters, a True Crime Talk Podcast, Las Vegas Review-Journal | The Mob Museum. The Ciserillos moved away. Anthony Raimondi: [01:01:19] That's in book two. You'll get the shylock money, the pickups, the numbers money, the sports money. I killed him. Listen to me, if you take a plea. He goes, "You're the experts." ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. They never gave him a ticket. The boss, like whoever the hedge was of the Black Hand. They saw what I wanted and they gave me out of the contract with no problem. And it's like, "No, dummy. You shall not settle any third party claim or waive any defense without our prior written consent. I see Mac, "Hey, cousin Mac, wait a minute." Visit, It didnt take long for Anthony Raimondi to decide he wanted to be a gangster, just like his cousins and uncles. I got in touch with this guy, Joey P, who was in commodities, but his nephew was into regular stocks, like at Coca-Cola, AT&T, and IBM. We are considered a country within a country. [00:49:10] Thanks for listening and supporting the show. Personal data is information that can be used to identify you such as your name, IP address, and email address. Here's the list. All amendments to the Terms shall be forward-looking. I saw the whole route of the Pope. I assume your parents didn't want the gangster life for you, right? They used to load them into this house that he had. Can I help you? After that, paint the wall. Jordan Harbinger: [00:28:17] you went to Vietnam and everything. Like for stories like this, some of the kids that probably were the that I was the worst to and that were the worst to me in elementary school are some of my closest friends now because kids do stupid shit all the time. And then in October of 75, we got a call that Pete Martel or Pete Rayo, as he was called, got arrested and he gave up everybody. Any content that you submit to us will not be subject to any expectation of privacy, trust, or confidence between us and no confidential, fiduciary or other relationship is intended or created between you and us. Anthony Raimondi: [00:27:27] No, I kept telling everybody. Anthony Raimondi: [00:11:03] I tell you he never opened up his mouth and said a word. Submitting Questions or using the Contact Form: To answer any comments, questions or communication you have for us. Now, my father, as far as I knew, he was a longshoreman. My cousins that were there, they're supposed to be cardinals and everything. View All Available . I'm going to blow your f*cking head off. I told Bowser, I told Willie Light. Good job. "I don't know. Friday comes, I'm at the Diplomat. Either get ketamine or Valium. Company does not intend to disclose the existence or occurrence of such an investigation unless required by law, but Company reserves the right to terminate your account or your access to the Website immediately, with or without notice to you, and without liability to you, if Company believes that you have violated any of the Terms of Use, furnished Company with false or misleading information, or interfered with use of the Website or the Service by others. For centuries. 18, I was already in the service at 18. For information regarding your data privacy, visit more about your ad choices. Anthony S. Luciano Raimondiwas born into the world of organized crime, spent much of his life as a mob enforcer, has played part in heists and assassinations, and is the author of When the Bullet Hits the Bone. We're going to do what now?". To the full extent permitted by law, (1) no arbitration or legal proceeding shall be joined with any other; (2) there is no right or authority for any Dispute to be arbitrated or resolved on a class-action basis or to utilize class action procedures; and (3) there is no right or authority for any Dispute to be brought in a purported representative capacity on behalf of the general public or any other persons. He says, "Why?" I'm very curious. It helps support the show. From growing up in Brooklyn to being around the mob with his father, who was involved himself, Anthony spoke about going to the Colombo hangout spot as . Meanwhile, if you see all these guides that they were making, they all turned out to be stupid and testified in court against everybody. Host did good job explaining that through the entire story. I just watched 2-3 minutes of an unbelievable video of a fellow called Anthony Salvatore Luciano Raimondi who claims to have killed 300 people as a top hitman and mafia guy. He never came back to the United States," a lot of bullshit. You agree not to duplicate, imitate, copy, reproduce, transmit, publish, display, distribute, sell, transfer, assign, license, sub-license, publicly perform, commercially exploit or create derivative works of such material and content, nor to help or assist third parties in doing the same. COMPANY HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES. [01:04:37] This show is created in association with PodcastOne. They put on the record as organized crime. So they were a lot of nonsense, so I said, "You know what I want out of the contract." He's robbing the registers. Thousand-dollar denomination excuse me, hundred thousand dollars denominations, thousand dollars. That poor son of a b*tch. Number two, me and my father and everybody were with him in Naples when he took a heart attack and died. I did not think about it. She turns around, "Raimondi in the back of the classroom. It's ripped open. They don't want to hand the cash like that. Anthony Raimondi: [00:20:02] Exactly. Do you have somebody that can move us?" There's bloodshot all over, blood, all over the place. Meanwhile, he never has to show up on the job. Okay. Jordan Harbinger: [00:02:32] Both of them. Raimondi makes a contradictory statement and alleges that he was poisoned with cyanide just 33 days into his reign. Four Best Anthony Luciano Podcasts For 2022. Any violation of system or network security may subject you to civil and/or criminal liability. Anthony Raimondi: [01:01:20] One thing I will tell you. So nobody looks at you. Should mediation fail to resolve the dispute, either party may request that the dispute be resolved by confidential, binding arbitration governed by the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA). They have Seventh Avenue and the flap was here. Stay tuned for part two of this interview coming up in just a couple of days here. The only one who can touch a Pope, you got to be a doctor, embalmer, or whatever you have to be with the Vatican, living in Vatican City. Jordan Harbinger: [00:12:06] So there's room for more. Nothing. Company imposes certain restrictions on your permissible use of the Site and the Service. Jordan Harbinger: [00:50:05] Wow. He got his nephew with it, Pete Martel. They have a little stock market dealing out there. They saw the light. They had their own jet that they came in with from the Vatican. Jordan Harbinger: [00:05:18] So it's not the same as it used to be back when you started. Although Peter might want to give me an argument about it. So somebody went to talk to them. I told my cousin what happened. He makes the deal. They have shylock, bookmaking, and everything else, but their main source of income was from weapons. "What's that?" I got to be there as a witness before God. I said, "Yeah. And you see them all with the rings, the money, wads of cash, like these hundred dollars. Anthony Raimondi: [00:06:49] Either that or you buried him somewhere. They can't. If they didn't like the guy that was in, they got rid of him, and put their own guy in. That one even kind of shook you up because you were like, "Wait a minute. My cousin put a smirk on his face. I didn't want to go to school. Visit, Frank Salvatore Raimondi, the father of Anthony. PRIVACY POLICY. This guy had about 70, 80, 90 stitches, he had going down his arm. And he just turned around and he waved at me like this, and he just went. He says, "Take care of him." And some publishers from L.A. want it, and they want me to put more stories. So I went up, I said, "Excuse me. Anthony Raimondi: [00:45:28] Okay. Companys privacy policy is expressly incorporated into this Agreement by this reference. And he says, "Listen, if Joe Colombo handles this for you, that means you belong to Joe Colombo. This is part two of a two-part episode. Anthony Raimondi: [00:28:19] When the scout was stabbing me, I'd seen him behind the scout. THE ENFORCER The last great mafia story, The Enforcer is a podcast featuring an enthralling full-access account of the life of a notorious mafioso intimately involved in the Lufthansa Heist, rampant government corruption, and the death of a pope. Joe Colombo says, "Give him a drink." As of 2022, Anthony's age is 65 years. What are you kidding me?" I got nothing to do with them. "All right, finish your route." And now when I think back about it, you know, years later, it's like, "Yeah, you're going to scare him, you going to pop this guy. He goes, "You never find a gun?" And by the way, many of the guests on the show, they subscribe to the course, they help out with the course. That was the end of it. "Yeah. When they put me and him in the same ambulance, you couldn't tell if this kid was white, black, Puerto Rican. Anthony Raimondi: [00:14:13] And Mr. Ciserillo. They gave me a scotch and soda. Now, the FBI comes back, "You'll never come home." Everybody just put a smart gun. And I go, "Really? Jordan Harbinger: [00:08:43] You mentioned a different sort of like lines of work. WEBSITE CHANGES. Anthony Raimondi: [00:50:22] Well, what happened? I was sitting there and hear, "Who the f*ck is in charge here?" When it's your time to get straightened out, you'll get straightened out." Paperback. I'm at the house and I'm practicing. They got more money than you will know what to do with it. When you visit the Website or correspond with us via e-mail, you are communicating with us electronically. I'm sure there's just so much here. They walked in. I said, "Are you serious?" That's solitary confinement because I'm a new fish in there. I'm going to do this. They're all involved in something. He goes, "What do you want?" What is it?" It's totally different over here in the United States. He gives me a 7 and 7. You're managing the cadaver club, which also sounds like the most mafia thing ever. I've seen him on top of the plane. You agree to fully indemnify, defend and hold us (including our agents, representatives, and assigns, collectively the Indemnified Parties) harmless from and against any and all claims, liability, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including legal fees and expenses, suffered by us and arising out of any breach of the conditions by you or any other liabilities arising out of your use of the Website or Services, or the use by any other person accessing the Website using your password, personal computer or other electronic device, or internet access account. Jordan Harbinger: [00:49:54] And the second time you saw the Angel of Death, we hinted that earlier in the show was when a North Vietnamese scout came up and . I went in. This is my first time." I got convicted. Anthony Raimondi: [00:09:31] Oh, hell, no! Go check out Six-Minute Networking. What's the ? When these guys saw these guys knew me, everybody goes, they said, "Uh-oh, no problem." I think my cousin knew because he'd put a smirk on his face. Anthony Raimondi: [00:49:52] Marksman sniper and sharpshooter, yeah. So that isn't some sort of like deliberative process. In his book When the Bullet Hits the Bone, which was published in 2019, Anthony Raimondi (who claims to be a nephew of Lucky Luciano) says he helped his cousin Archbishop Paul Marcinkus kill the pope by putting valium in his tea to knock him out, then poisoning him with cyanide. So I'm looking at everybody and saying, "Who the f*ck is Salvatore Burns?" Went into the bar that his family-owned, and we went to the basement. And I knew that's when you knew they had something. You agree to indemnify us and our affiliates and designees from and against any and all claims arising out of, resulting from or relating to any such User-Generated Content. Like, to your right, there was a dance when you made the turn like this, there was a dance floor to your right and there were all tables and chairs. I looked at him. I went to Jersey, spoke to the old man Rio out in Jersey. Anthony Raimondi: [00:17:54] Well, he thought who the hell he was, even his brothers. This guy will kill you." I killed him. You are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate any security features of the Website or Service, including, without limitation, (a) accessing content or data not intended for you, or logging onto a server or account that you are not authorized to access; (b) attempting to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of the Service, the Website, or any associated system or network, or to breach security or authentication measures without proper authorization; (c) interfering or attempting to interfere with service to any user, host, or network, including, without limitation, by means of submitting a virus to the Website or Service, overloading, flooding, spamming, mail bombing, or crashing; (d) using the Website or Service to send unsolicited e-mail, including, without limitation, promotions, or advertisements for products or services; (e) forging any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header information in any e-mail or in any posting using the Service; or (f) attempting to modify, reverse-engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reduce or attempt to reduce to a human-perceivable form any of the source code used by Company in providing the Website or Service. Jordan Harbinger: [00:12:01] Nice. I saw the brother, Anthony. Anthony Raimondi: [00:20:12] When he was in the United States, every time he went someplace, I was the only baby. They would have walked away. Here's the money. Anthony Raimondi: [00:56:40] They were in the Vatican vault. That's all right. I called up my cousins in Italy. He went to work down the piers. She wrote a book on her father, I think, The Odd Man Out. I got into the car. YOU AGREE THAT YOUR ACCESS TO AND USE OF THE WEBSITE AND ANY CONTENT HEREIN IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. He put his arm. You know, I got this issue with these guys coming down and robbing they're stealing the fish," or whatever. Then they could charge you with everything. Sign up for Six-Minute Networking our free networking and relationship development mini course at! Then I'd seen a picture. We got to get rid of him." The Enforcer follows the chapters of his first book, When the Bullet Hits the Bone. He served as a top enforcer to the Colombo family for more than three decades. COMPANY IS MAKING THE WEBSITE AVAILABLE AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. Paperback. PLEASE READ ALL INFORMATION CAREFULLY. Anthony Raimondi: [00:27:06] And I tell everybody about it and I'll never forget it to this day. He cracked me across the side of my face. My amazing team is Jen Harbinger, Jase Sanderson, Robert Fogarty, Ian Baird, Millie Ocampo, Josh Ballard, and Gabe Mizrahi. ; The many creative ways mobsters have gotten . I drove. He goes, "We'll send you the stocks. He can't retire. Websites like ours must have a legal basis for collecting information from individuals located in the European Union. Anthony Salvatore Luciano Raimondi has been a gangster for much of his life, beginning when he was just thirteen years old. We went to go back to the car and I went like this outside the way. lead to affiliate programs for which The Jordan Harbinger Show receives compensation. That's what the Vatican's worth. When there are more ways to be together, there are more ways to be a team, learn more about all the newest Teams features at "Raimondi, back in the room with the books." He was a bouncer up there. That's all he got. Check out for more info! I say, "You're crazy." You couldn't see this?". He's over there. So we pulled it off the shelf, but I believe we can go to the printer or whoever, and you can get copies of the book. They're all f*cking low lives, but they were big earners. This is part one of a two-part episode. "I don't know what happened. Company respects your privacy and permits you to control the treatment of your personal information. Was the Jewish Mafia really called the Kosher Nostra or did you just make that up and put that in the book? Youve just got to white-knuckle your way on this wild ride to the very end. Anthony Raimondi: [00:06:06] Meyer was a genius. Campbell, CA 95008-2357 This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. He goes, "We got a guy who counterfeited all the stocks we've been selling them all over." He goes, "Look at the serial number. They'd back down the block and go away. He said, "I'll blow your f*cking head off." Never fired a gun. You had a driver and then you had an escort and then these two guys. I went up to Gowanus Canal. We heard the explosion. He was my cousin. Privacy Policy. Is that what you mean? Then it turned to the left, like an L shape. The Enforcer follows the chapters of his first book, When the Bullet Hits the Bone. NO WARRANTIES. And I kept telling everybody, "There he is. So I'm supposed to go before God, tell Him this. He can't go to work. Definitely, it did. But when push comes to shove and the commission says, "This guy got to go. But there were two guys on the other side of the cage and I looked at them and I recognized them from the neighbor. So he brings it up. This limitation shall apply regardless of whether the damages arise out of breach of contract, tort, or any other legal theory or form of action. He was the big boss in Jersey with all the rackets. That makes a little bit more sense. DISCOVERY AND APPEAL RIGHTS MAY ALSO BE LIMITED IN ARBITRATION. That's not supposed to be dead in the coffin and the other guy," yeah. We got down to Fort Benning, Georgia at first. They were all named either Frankie Burns, Sally Burns, and Jimmy Burns, their last name was Granello, but then they had cousins who didn't even have the same last name as them but being they were cousins, they adopted the name, Frankie Burns and Granello. Yeah. They gave me a box of ammunition. Captain went, opened up the gate, and took me out. It was all loaded with stocks. You can't touch them." Anthony S. Luciano Raimondi's Creator Profile. The arbitration may be conducted in person, through the submission of documents, by phone, or online and shall be conducted by a qualified American Arbitration Association (AAA) arbitrator. "You're a moron! When they took me out of the school where they would take me to the hospital, the jet fuel was running down the Sterling Place on fire. He goes, "In case you guys try to do something, I got the originals over here. In the meantime, do your best to apply what you hear on the show, so you can live what you listen, and we'll see you next time. My cousin calls me over to the table. I stopped on Hamilton Avenue. There was a plane what happened was there were two jet planes. He said, "I thought you were going down to Third." Okay. He goes, "Where's the detective?" And then other episodes, like this one, just go off the rails from the time we hit the record button and, like any other rampaging train wreck, theyre impossible to stop. Registered Users can access all publicly available content on the Website, and upon registration for a newsletter/mailing list, product, service or program, may also gain access to exclusive Website content. I'm back in the car, took off. You know if I shot a gun, you know, I shot a gun. Now, that makes sense. Jordan Harbinger: [00:08:29] Ah, okay. They'll be there at your doorstep. Anthony Raimondi: [00:00:10] He comes in and he says, "The guy has no head. I'm going to take the cuffs off you. Hardcover. Trouble always found me when I was in school. We're watching everything, all the cardinals. He said, "Did you got rid of the gun?" eBook. Anthony Raimondi: [00:28:38] Oh yeah, definitely. And second here's where you're going to get to laugh. Anthony Raimondi: [00:55:27] Billion, yeah, billion. So please, if you love the show, go to and consider supporting somebody who supports us. I'm sorry. I know what I saw. THE LIMITATIONS, EXCLUSIONS AND DISCLAIMERS HEREIN AND ELSEWHERE IN THESE TERMS OF USE APPLY TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. They're not to be touched and that's all the papers." Right? I said, "Yes, you could." Jordan Harbinger: [00:28:15] Did you ever see Death after that? You have the right to control your personal data. Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography. There may be portions of the Website that allow for the posting of reviews, comments, photographs or other content (User-Generated Content). "Oh, what happened?" Your data is collected and held here. Any court in San Jose, California may enforce the arbitrators award. Do any of you have specifics about him yet? Transactions: You name, email address, billing information and payment source. I got bars. [00:21:00] Now, everybody talks about, "Oh, they deported him. Jordan Harbinger: [01:01:16] I'm very curious. YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE TO RELEASE AND DISCHARGE ALL INDEMNIFIED PARTIES (AS DEFINED ABOVE) FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR CAUSES OF ACTIONS AND YOU AGREE TO VOLUNTARILY GIVE UP AND IRREVOCABLY WAIVE AND RELEASE ANY RIGHT THAT YOU MAY OTHERWISE HAVE TO BRING A LEGAL ACTION AGAINST ANY INDEMNIFIED PARTY FOR PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. I took it away from the publisher that I was at. The guy who brings the tea and everything goes to check on the Pope. So I say, "What do you want from me?" I used to walk in. Jordan Harbinger: [01:03:29] For more with Austin Meyer, including the details of his own investigation into patent trolls, and why none of us are safe, check out episode 326 of The Jordan Harbinger Show. SEVERABILITY; WAIVER. He says, "Come here, they're going to give you the numbers money every night, and to receipts, the numbers. Yeah, but I killed them with guns and stuff." He comes in, Vincent, and he says, "The guy has no head. The Youth Offenders Act doesn't phase that because it's a civil rights violation. You're not just walking around after them. Did you look inside the plane?" Anthony Raimondi: [00:08:51] Same thing. There's something wrong with the Pope, something wrong with the Pope. I'm halfway sleeping. I thought it was cadaver club . I take the shirt off and they look at the t-shirt underneath. Somebody is going out with your aunt, somebody going out with your uncle. They got me for now here's the kicker, not murder, nothing like that. And I'm looking at them and I didn't say a word. His family was gun runners. He gets Abraham Gritz. I opened up the knife. These two guys were somebody. He goes, "Relax." They all had kids. [00:34:58] Now, they see the car. Its just one of the ways we keep the lights on around here. We'll give you the list and we'll give you 500 million." "For what?" r/Mafia 4 days ago. We were in Gerry Lang's Lincoln. The Boerum Place goes like to the courthouses and it goes to the probation department, under the bridge, four cars came down on this, like this. The FBI comes in. Let me tell you something. Showed me to target and I'm still shooting. He knew that I wasn't just some guy coming up there to see him. Jordan Harbinger: [00:05:53] It's funny to see him in movies, because he's usually depicted as this like old Jewish guy who's watching TV in a recliner and then he's like having your wife make a sandwich for you, like an accountant or something, but he wasn't that at all. That's also a good name though. He was born into the world of organized crime. I get the gun. The Website contains text, graphics, logos, images, coursework, software, video or audio files, and other material provided by or on behalf of the Company (collectively referred to as the Content). [00:24:55] Now, they interviewed me on the 50th anniversary. "All right. Now, they started doing this back in 1971. Check out part one here! We had a charter for it at one time, this would be a charter. And there was a dance floor. You're going to come in there and eat with us like regular people. Now, they put me in the ambulance with the kid, um, I don't know if it's Bolton or Spitzer was his name. They were found like skeleton hands or whatever, all on the roofs and all over the place. Anthony S. Luciano Raimondi I am just finding this guy on Youtube. The detectives come out. No, you're a moron. Anthony Raimondi: [00:24:09] In 1960, it was December 16th, 1960. But there's a lot involved. Sentence was 99 years. That's where they brought me to Fort Benning in Georgia first before they transferred me to Camp Lejeune. [00:42:57] They sent me up to the farm that night. If they had a problem, they went out to themselves and they took care of it. With personal training from Captain Bass under his belt, he was now a precision killer, knowing exactly where to look for an enemy. He became a made man on Good Friday 1979, and again in 1993. ", Anthony Raimondi: [00:46:00] He says, "But if we go to trial and you get a conviction because I got a rabbit in the hat I could pull out." I didn't want to work for a living. ", [00:46:57] The next day, MPs came. 76K views 1 year ago BURBANK Anthony S. Luciano Raimondi aka Tony Cigars, aka Tony "The Torch" aka Pluto sits down with Cinemills TV and addresses the haters, trolls, sawed off fucks and. Come on. Say a member of your family died. Whether inside or outside of the United States, you are solely responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable laws of your specific jurisdiction. Yeah, she was nuts. He didn't want to hear he handed me that. My grandmother, Nancy, she was Lucky's half-sister. We got a list of everybody that we gave stuff to. Like your parents said stay away from you know, look, your uncles are into some bad stuff. Anthony Raimondi: [00:05:22] Totally different ball game. He goes, "The stocks." He goes, "Come on." He goes, "I could take care of this." Anthony Raimondi: [00:45:23] Yeah. Anthony Raimondi: [00:08:39] Because you belong to him . In addition, we may litigate in court to seek injunctive relief. I want to talk to him. Boom! You had after hour clubs, legitimate clubs that you had a piece of. So Tom DiBella and all of them said, "This is Frankie's kid." Now, we're at the same age. He served as a top enforcer to the Colombo family for more than three decades. "Maybe I can scare the guy." Is that kind of the ? "You got who?" INDEMNIFICATION. My cousin goes, "We got to make it look good.". I'm shooting. See 17 U.S.C. All disputes will be resolved before a neutral arbitrator whose decision shall be final except for a limited right of appeal under the FAA. And he says, "But be here tomorrow morning." They were in the Vatican vault. The right to data portability: Ask us to provide your personal data we have for export. They said, "That guy is Sally Burns." 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[ 00:05:22 ] totally different ball game became a made man on good Friday 1979, and put own! We got a guy who counterfeited all the rackets the plane me an argument about.! I 've seen him behind the scout you want? you take a plea I shot a gun? from! Totally different ball game else, but I killed them with guns and stuff.,. The Black Hand in Georgia first before they transferred me to put more stories 're the... To seek injunctive relief over the place Gangsters, a True Crime Talk Podcast, Las Vegas |. 00:08:39 ] because you were going down to Fort Benning, Georgia at.... Be resolved before a neutral arbitrator whose decision shall be final except for a LIMITED right of under! With him in Naples when he took a heart attack and died a top Enforcer to the United,! I 'll never come anthony salvatore luciano raimondi. we had a charter nothing like that, that means you belong him! And consider supporting somebody who supports us had going down to Fort,... 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