Inquiring of the oracle would have been a priestly function, and so there is an intimation here of some sort of breakdown in the professional performance of the house of Eli. While Elkanah focuses on outward and formal family concerns and is emotionally distant from everyone in the narrative, including his wife and children, Hannah is consistently preoccupied with personal devotions to God and is emotionally connected with everyone around her, regardless of their attitude toward her. Elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible, gada is used in reference to felling trees, particularly groves devoted to the worship of pagan gods, or more generally to destroying anything of value as a consequence of wickedness and as a sign of Gods displeasure (for example, Deuteronomy 7:5; Judges 21:6; 2 Chronicles 14:3; 31:1; Psalms 75:10; 107:16; Isaiah 9:10; 14:12; 15:2; 22:25; 45:2; Jeremiah 48:25; 50:23; Ezekiel 6:6). From the simplest and most direct perspective, the story of Samuels birth and calling can be best understood in covenant terms. Born in Virginia on March 2, 1793, Houston moved to Tennessee with his mother and eight siblings after his father died when he was 13. The present study relies on the LDS edition of the King James Translation of the Hebrew Bible. We compared the results of the SVV test in two groups of children with ages ranging from 7 to 10 years. This pattern indicates that Eli had become so disconnected from his sons lives that he learns about their promiscuity only secondhand and then deals with it ineffectively: Now Eli was very old, and heard all that his sons did unto all Israel. PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) is one of the most severe mental health issues from parental neglect or abuse during childhood. Samuel is ever faithful to his consecrated responsibilities at Shiloh and eventually becomes one of Israels greatest spiritual leaders. And the child Samuel grew before the Lord. If so, why is he not introduced as such at the outset and why does he play such a passive role in the services at Shiloh? Indications are that they were a group of fanatical religious and national conservatives. We dont know who wrote the books for certain. Verses1126 in 1Samuel provide a more dynamic interplay of these two literary conventions as the text presents three vignettes that condemn the gluttony of Elis sons (2:1217), illustrate Hannahs continued devotion to her firstborn and Elis blessing to Samuels parents (2:1921a), and condemn the promiscuity of Elis sons (2:2225). And I will raise me up a faithful priest, that shall do according to that which is in mine heart and in my mind: and I will build him a sure house; and he shall walk before mine anointed for ever. And when the time was that Elkanah offered, he gave to Peninnah his wife, and to all her sons and her daughters, portions: But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion; for he loved Hannah: but the Lord had shut up her womb. Auerbach, Mimesis, 118; Alter, Art, 11430; Sternberg, Poetics, 32164. Insensitive as it may be, Elkanahs first direct speech shifts the discourse of the story from narrative to dialogue, in keeping with the biblical convention. 62. An earlier version of this article was presented to the Society of Biblical Literature, San Diego, Calif., November 2225, 2014. Of particular interest is the sequence of events that culminates in Gods initial fulfillment of Hannahs vow: And they rose up in the morning early, and worshipped before the Lord, and returned, and came to their house to Ramah: and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the Lord remembered her.35 In these thirty-three English words, and appears six times. Characterization: Parents and Children. The United States of America vividly remembers Samuel Adams as a key member of the Founding Fathers who penned down their signatures to usher in an independent America. The application of the anthropological concept of social drama to interpret literature, ritual, and other key cultural expressions is summarized in Victor Turner, Dramas, Fields, and Metaphors: Symbolic Action in Human Society (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1974), 2359. Wherefore it came to pass, when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived, that she bare a son, and called his name Samuel, saying, Because I have asked him of the Lord. 1. Birth Year: 1797. While Hannah is identified as the preferred of Elkanahs two wives, the account repeats three times that she has no children, a major source of shame for women in biblical Israel.20 This characterization also identifies the accounts first dramatic tension: that between Elkanahs preferred but barren wife and her co-wife Peninnah, who had given Elkanah multiple sons and daughters. And the Lord visited Hannah, so that she conceived, and bare three sons and two daughters. In the majority of offenses, cutting off means a cutting out which leads to banishment or excommunication from the cultic community and the covenant people. TDOT, 7:348. Risking an overly simplistic introduction of this convention, the present study recognizes two general perspectives in the Hebrew Bible, contrasted by scope. Steven L. Olsen received a bachelors from BYU and a masters degree and PhD from the University of Chicago. 58. Now Hannah, she spake in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard: therefore Eli thought she had been drunken. The man of God begins his condemnation with the terse authoritative declaration, Thus saith the Lord. He then repeats verbatim every word of the divine message, including the repeated use of first person singular pronouns, as though he speaks precisely in the place of the Lord. In biblical Hebrew, shael has a double meaning: to request and to lend. The account of Samuels divine calling concludes using hearing and seeing as metaphors of increased spiritual capacity: And Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground. James Limburg, Psalms, Book of, in The Anchor Bible Dictionary, ed. Samuel Adams Life Jan 1, 1736. It is said of an eccentric schoolmaster in Germany, who lived about 300 Only the narrators general spiritual indictment of Israel (3:1) and the summary impact of Samuels call upon all Israel (3:194:1a) are expressed in narrative. 63. Samuel Gompers (January 27, 1850 December 13, 1924) was a key American labor union leader who founded the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and served as its president for nearly four decades, from 1886 to 1894, and from 1895 until his death in 1924. By contrast, the story includes an extended verbatim recitation of the entire message that the Lord personally entrusts to Samuel, beginning with the authoritative declaration, Behold I will do a thing in Israel (3:1114).62 This scene is structured so that we are witnesses of Samuels encounter with the Lord. The reiterated and, then, plays an important role in creating the rhythm of the story, in phonetically punctuating the forward driving movement of the prose. Once Hannah becomes a mother in fact, her role vis--vis Samuel is considerably more profound. Alter, Ancient Prophets, 241 n.2; Alter, Art, 8283. While this curse represents the single most extended direct speech in 1 Samuel 13, the precise interaction between the man of God and his Master is completely omitted from the story. When Samuel finally invites the Lord to speak, the text uses the contrasting verb yatsab, translated stood, meaning that the Lord appears to Samuel in the dominant, authoritative position while Samuel takes the subordinate, receptive one. Eli possesses great spiritual status, being the ritual official of the temple at Shiloh, a hereditary position that his family had held for generations (see 2:2728). Our differences are complementary, not contrastive in nature. Willard R. Trask (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1953), 323; Robert Alter, The Art of Biblical Narrative (New York: Basic Books, 1981), 322; Meir Sternberg, The Poetics of Biblical Narrative: Ideological Literature and the Drama of Reading (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1985), 157; Jason P. Rosenblatt and Joseph C. Sitterson Jr., eds. 1. . So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad. The pathways involved in the development of metabolic dysfunction across generations in the context of childhood Thus, while his sudden arrival is entirely motivated by events in the narrative, the narrative is silent regarding the messengers relationship with and impact upon Eli. While Eli properly identifies the source of Samuels call, he does not hear the voice himself; only the lad does. The story of Samuels birth and calling sheds significant light on the larger biblical narrative of covenant Israel. Samuel thus appears as a leader in all Israel; his leadership is exercised in war and law, but his authority is basically religious, mostly prophetic, although with some features of priestly authority. . The text never has him interact directly with any of Hannahs children, and he speaks with Hannah only when her devotional actions disrupt his traditional ritual routine. These details may explain why the man of God specifically refers to Pharaohs house in his condemnation of the house of Eli (2:27). Samuel repeatedly responds to Gods initial calling with Here am I, which are the first and only words, with slight variation, spoken directly by Samuel in the biblical account before his calling as a prophet (3:416). I pray thee hide it not from me: God do so to thee, and more also, if thou hide any thing from me of all the things that he said unto thee. and why eatest thou not? Characterization: Priest and Suppliant. And Samuel lay until the morning, and opened the doors of the house of the Lord. 34. Rising from humble beginnings, Adams played frontline roles in sparking the Revolutionary Wars against the Stephanie Holland. Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed. The two major divergences in The First Book of Samuel lie in those passages that critics call the pro-monarchic source (1 Samuel 9:110:16) and those passages called the antimonarchic source (1 Samuel 8 and 10:1727). Insightful analyses of the lives of these three exemplary women are found in Sternberg, Poetics, 13152 (Rebekah); and Alter, Art, 512 (Tamar) and 5860 (Ruth). Nevertheless, Hannah is not satisfied: she wants a son for herself, but not for selfish reasons. The text expresses this commitment in two complementary ways. Shes a mom! For example, is Eli, the father, the chief priest in the hereditary office? Nevertheless, everything that she says and doesindeed, everything that she is in the storymanifests supreme devotion to her sacred roles of wife and mother and to her covenant relationship with the Lord. Infertility brought severe disgrace to a woman because in those days it meant she could not fulfill her God-given purpose of producing offspring for her family. Type Scene: Victory Song. Karath also connotes destruction but is more widely used in the Hebrew Bible with stronger and more explicit reference to breaking a covenant (for example, Genesis 9:11; Exodus 4:25; 12:15, 19; Leviticus 17:414; 20:318; Numbers 15:3031). And this shall be a sign unto thee, that shall come upon thy two sons, on Hophni and Phinehas; in one day they shall die both of them. And he ran unto Eli, and said, Here am I for thou calledst me. Background: Preterm birth continues to be a leading cause of death for children under the age of 5 globally. Nevertheless, his casual observance of the priestly office is made apparent by his first appearance in the narrative: Now Eli the priest sat upon a seat by a post of the temple of the Lord.25 Adding to his position of spiritual ambivalence is Elis first specific actiona gross miscalculation of Hannahs spiritual motivationsand his first direct speech, a wildly false assessment of her character. The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971), s.v. All other textual details and literary conventions of the account systematically support a covenant perspective in the following central ways. Moreover, Polzin acknowledges the complementarity of all direct speeches in a particular story, regardless of the identity of the speaker. Omissions? Then Eli called Samuel, and said, . While this verb has several different connotations in biblical Hebrew, the most general is, extend the hand in order to place an object at a specific place or to give it over to another person, with or without compensation, as a possession. However, Sternberg, Poetics, 32528, eloquently qualifies Alters perspective. 55. We may never know for sure whether a covenant perspective actually motivated those who crafted the inherited text over the centuries of its development. For example, Alter (Art, 84) and Simon (Prophetic Narratives, 15) offer astute comments on eating and drinking in 1Samuel1. Theodore J. Lewis, Belial, in Freedman, Anchor Bible Dictionary, 1:65456; Bible Dictionary, LDS edition of the Bible (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1979), s.v. On the other hand, the language of the sons introduction bestows no honor or dignity to their priestly office. Customary Behavior: Hearing and Seeing. By contrast, the text implies that Hannah herself worships at the temple only once and in bitterness of soul. The story implies that both types of devotion are effective. am I not better to thee than ten sons? Rather than consoling his wife, this speech reveals Elkanahs emotional alienation from Hannahs soul-deep crisis. While some linkages may be incidental, most scholars recognize that an authors intentional linkages create a phenomenon that Adele Berlin, following Paul Werth, calls poetic effect, which she defines as the result of an interaction between verbal form and meaning. Adele Berlin, The Dynamics of Biblical Parallelism (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1992), 10. And as he did so year by year, when she went up to the house of the Lord, so she provoked her; therefore she wept, and did not eat. Corrections? The same verb also concludes the narrative, signaling the enduring covenant between Samuel and the Lord, on the one hand, and between Samuel and Gods covenant people, on the other: And all Israel from Dan even to Beer-sheba knew that Samuel was established to be a prophet of the Lord. WebBiography. Most commentators acknowledge that the account of the birth and calling of Samuel actually ends with the first sentence of the next chapter, And the word of Samuel came to all Israel (4:1a). So, it may be that 1Samuel 13 both influenced and was influenced by the crafting of other biblical stories. In stark contrast with modern English usage, which limits conjunctions to a bare minimum, biblical narrators seem to use them incessantly, especially waw. Following Hannahs song, the narrator begins his detailed condemnation of Elis sons with the epithet: Now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial, implying a scathing equivalence of Eli and Belial.52 Further, the narrator observes with biting irony that Elis sons knew not the Lord, even though they are introduced as priests of the Lord (1:3). While we cannot be sure that the author crafted the Samuel story with such comparisons consciously in mind, the repeated inferred connections with other exemplary vignettes increase the probability of their intentionality. By the revelation of Yahweh, however, he anointed Saul king and installed him before all Israel (chapters 910). Went to the College Harvard Children's Literature Timeline. This contrast does not mean that biblical characters are shallow. In general, I agree with Alter: The story of Samuel, then, far from being a simple promotion of prophetic ideology, enormously complicates the notion of prophecy by concretely imagining what may become of the imperfect stuff of humanity when the mantle of prophecy is cast over it. Ancient Prophets, 230. On the one hand, Phinehas and Hophni are named as priests, in contrast with the next segment of the story, which specifically identifies Eli as the priest at Shiloh (see 1:9). Then said Elkanah her husband to her, Hannah, why weepest thou? Given the expressive nature of Hannahs song, the number seven in this line likely implies many, as it does elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible, thereby enhancing the parallelism with the following line and the implied application to Hannahs situation. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth. Rather than accepting her husbands invitation that she privilege her spousal role and enjoy its intended personal benefits (the worthy portion), Hannah chooses instead to focus on her maternal role: nurturing Samuel at home while he remains dependent on her for life and sustenance. Hannah bears and nurtures Samuel, after which she lends him to God and continues to bless him, without any expectation of divine recompense. Saul was vindicated as king by his leadership of Israel in a campaign against the Ammonites (chapter 11); after this, Samuel retired from the leadership of Israel (chapter 12). For comparable instances of this identical response elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible, see Genesis 22:7; 27:1, 18; 31:11; 37:11; 46:2; Exodus 3:4. Couplets are perhaps the most ubiquitous form of parallelism in the Hebrew Bible, considered to be as distinctive of Hebrew poetry as meter and rhyming are in Western poetic traditions. In that day I will perform against Eli all things which I have spoken concerning his house: when I begin, I will also make an end. Samuels mother Hannah Wherefore the Lord God of Israel saith, I said indeed that thy house, and the house of thy father, should walk before me for ever: but now the Lord saith, Be it far from me; for them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed. Hannahs heartfelt vow begins with the plea to God, look on the affliction of thy handmaid. Although the priest marked her mouth as Hannahs lips moved, Eli does not hear her prayer and grossly misjudges her spiritual intent and therefore her character. In the context of Samuels calling, neither yada nor shakab have sexual connotations. And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore. PTSD symptoms can include: Frequent nightmares. Impact. The key points relevant to the present study are that (1)type scenes are a common literary convention of the Hebrew and Christian Bibles, (2)1Samuel 13 shows abundant evidence of the likely intentional use of this convention, and (3)type scenes enhance considerably the spiritual significance of the Samuel account. Leitwrter: know and lie with. And the priests custom with the people was, that, when any man offered sacrifice, the priests servant came, while the flesh was in seething, with a flesh-hook of three teeth in his hand; And he struck it into the pan, or kettle, or caldron, or pot; all that the fleshhook brought up the priest took for himself. He is credited with The segment opens with a brief narrative of Samuels birth and the continuation of the annual devotional at Ramah, punctuated by Hannahs reflection on the childs naming, which is expressed as direct speech.39 The rest of the segment consists of dialogues between Hannah and Elkanah (1:2223) and between Hannah and Eli (1:2628), with a brief narrative bridge uniting the two scenes (1:2425). Name: Mary. And Eli said unto her, How long wilt thou be drunken? Following mention of Hophni and Phinehass high ritual status in the storys initial exposition (1:3), the narrator condemns them in his only detailed description of their character with the awful epithet: Now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial; they knew not the Lord. More specifically, the verb that describes the promiscuous encounters between Elis sons and the women that assembled at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation is not yada (knew), as in the virtuous union that produced Samuel, but shakab, translated lie with. WebThe birth and dedication of Samuel. He died, and his ghost was evoked by a necromancer, or sorceress, at the request of Saul; he then announced a third time the rejection of Saul (chapter 28). Flashbacks of the Berlin, Parallelism, 2; see also the extensive and insightful treatment of the use of repetition in Sternberg, Poetics, 365440), which range in scope from the lexical (correspondences between individual words and phrases) to the structural (correspondences between major segments of the text). Besides Samuels name, which the Lord utters four times during his calling (3:4, 6, 10), this message, which simultaneously calls Samuel and condemns Eli, constitutes the only words that God actually speaks in the Samuel story, despite the fact that he is its principal protagonist.63, Continuing the contrast with the ministry of the man of God, the text only alludes to Samuels subsequent communication with EliAnd Samuel told him every whit. It does not repeat one word of what the lad actually says to his mentor. The ancient designation of the two books of Samuel does not indicate that he is the author (in fact, his death is related in 1 Samuel 25) or the hero of the books; indeed, it is difficult to deduce what the title was intended to mean. As a result, identifying the literary conventions of a given text and imagining their interpretive significance enable readers to approximate the intent(s) of its author(s), especially if the conventions can be shown to combine with one another in order to fashion of the text a coherent and meaningful whole.8. . Zakhor carries strong connotations of spiritual identity and covenant commitment, not simply cognitive awareness.30 Thus, when Hannah pleads to the Lord, remember me, and the narrator acknowledges that the Lord indeed remembered her, the resulting blessing of a man child becomes not only the sign of a divine covenant with an individual Hebrew woman but also a source of spiritual development and deliverance for all Israel.31. Alter, Ancient Israel, 246 n.26; Simon, Prophetic Narratives, 18. For the entirety of his childhood, Bundy was unaware that his sister was actually his mother. All other crucial actions in the storythe emergence of Elkanah and Hannah into the epic Hebrew narrative from a position of complete obscurity, the miracles of Hannahs conception and Samuels birth, the rise of Samuel and the fall of the house of Eli, and the establishment of Samuel as prophet to all Israelare all orchestrated by God from offstage.. for I hear of your evil dealings by all this people. Saul's mother Hannah had prayed to God for a son if granted she would give him to God. and why eatest thou not? See McCarter, ISamuel, 72 n.5; see also Alter, Moses, 269 n.27; 307 n.5. Therefore Eli said unto Samuel, Go, lie down: and it shall be, if he call thee, that thou shalt say, Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth. The patriarchal focus of the introduction is really a Hebrew convention that gives the larger account of Samuel a measure of cultural legitimacy.18. (Samuel I, 1) Samsons Life. McCarter, I Samuel, 6061 n.11, points out the poetic qualities of Hannahs prayer. On the one hand, Hannah can neither eat the worthy portion herself (because she is fasting in bitterness of soul, see 1:10) nor share it with her children (of which she has none, which is precisely the cause of her grief and the central spiritual crisis of the story). Furthermore, mood disorders are also commonly related to childhood trauma, affecting a child's functioning in many ways. . Provo, UT 84602, USA | 2022 Brigham Young University, Birth and Calling of the Prophet Samuel: A Literary Reading of the BiblicalText, The Little Head Stones Became Monuments: Death in the EarlySamoanMission and theCreation of the FagaliiCemetery, Margaret Barkers The Lord Is Onea Response, Response to Margaret Barkers The Lord Is One, An Improvisation on Margaret Barkers The Lord Is One, An Angel or Rather the Savior at the Kirtland Temple Dedication: The Vision of FrederickG.Williams, What Is It about This Place?: Truman Madsen, ReligiousEducation, and theMissionofBYU, Catholic and Mormon: A Theological Conversation, The Mapmakers of New Zion: A CartographicHistory ofMormonism, The Polygamous Wives Writing Club: From the Diaries of MormonPioneerWomen. . 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