Maybe its believable because sane people realize that torturing people with real fire is actually pretty damn evil. Your sins are so terrible that you make your sisters seem righteous, even virtuous. Personal Life, Parents and Family Details : I first heard of David on FacebookI was fascinated with his teaching and his knowledge, and wisdom, being so young. In Davids introduction into describing what he calls, the heresy of universalism, he states that the position of the universalist is that ultimately, everyone will end up in heaven, whether they receive Christ here on the earth or not or whether they receive Christ is this life time or not. Being that I was the only one left, Pastor Eddie didnt ask he TOLD me I was going to help him. Believers do NOT need eternal life for when they rise in the resurrection to life, they are raised in spiritual IMMORTAL bodies that can never die. Now I understand God can test us, but I think the true test would be hell. David Hernandez has a great simple way of teaching on the Holy Spirt. David has written over 12 books in total. Some days this is how it feels, and the truth is things can always get worse. We are building a TV Studio andacquiringnew TV equipment to launch a regularly scheduled program on JCTV. What did your pastor say? How is it that Christ can plainly state that nobody goes to heaven but somehow Christianity has convinced its members that they will, in spite of what Christ says, go to heaven when they die? We were introduced. Its a lie. As I would enter the classroom, there were instances where kids would fall out under the power from a simple greeting by handshake. Davids argument to this clear and logical position is to suggest that this makes hell the savior. Prepare yourselves for a revelation about David since he wants all of his followers to believe that he is doing the will of God. He pointed at me and called me to the front. A blog dedicated to those who are in search of God. David next tries to tackle the subject of the word Gehenna and he fails once again trying to link Christianitys pagan hell to Gehenna which literally means Valley of Hinnom. But when you are damning other people, like David Hernandez, I guess you expect people might damn you. Im glad you asked. "Dave Hernandez is a man devoid of a conscience. Your view of hell is much different than fundamental Christianity but you are still mixing some good points with a lot of Christian dogmas that are completely unbiblical. My family and I are so blessed to you brother God bless you more. They hate that they had to give up the world they loved so they want God to torture sinners in hell for all eternity! God makes vessels of honor (righteous people) and vessels of dishonor (evil people). He heads an evangelistic healing ministry based in Southern California. It isnt everlasting shame and disgrace, its age-lasting shame and disgrace (judgment). He says that hell get criticized and that no one has ever been able to come up with a good explanation for his interpretation of Luke 16. David Jeremiah WHO IS DR. DAVID JEREMIAH? David now lives in Cerritos, California, but spent most of his childhood in Hawthorne. John 3:13 No one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended from heaven: the Son of Man. Notice at the very bottom of the list of Greek words, you will see Strongs G166 and the word AIONIOS! I needed Jesus. And most people would agree thats enough of an obligation. Heaven is a spiritual realm that exists in the mind. Although David travels the world, he likes to serve his local church when he is at home. 25 Truths about Demons and Spiritual Warfare: Uncover the Hidden Effects of Demonic Influence. The following are some of his books. So how is God like a consuming fire? But with Benny Hinn in his eye as a mentor the danger of false fire is high. Your email address will not be published. His local church is located in Southern California. Its not heaven. Truly I am God, I have no peer; I am God, and there is none like me, who announces the end from the beginning and reveals beforehand what has not yet occurred, who says, My plan will be realized, I will accomplish what I desire,. But I wanted to see a diversity in my ministry outreach. How do you explain your teaching that the aionios fire of Matthew 25:41 and Jude 1:7 is everlasting when we can CLEARLY see from the passage in Ezekiel that GOD WILL RESTORE SODOM AND GOMORRHA? David Diga Hernandez (born on March 22, 1989) is an American televangelist and faith healer who hosts a Christian television program on JuceTV, a subsidiary of the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). Here is the only scripture where we find the Greek verb tartaro; 2 Peter 2:4 For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment; It wouldve been nice to have another scripture to compare usage but to be honest we dont even need it because theres enough evidence for this heresy to be dispelled. Show Encounter Podcast with David Diga Hernandez, Ep Condemnation vs. THROUGH ALL THE GENERATIONS? I was going to tell him about how the Lord had been speaking to me and how I felt nervous and didnt know what to do. Do you not see how he just inserted Greek mythology right into the scriptures? David then shifts attention to the New Testament and the Greek word Hades and he quotes Luke 16:22-23 to justify his pagan afterlife gobbledygook. Heaven is the highest experience of love, truth, peace, and righteousness. The topic: Our Relationship with God Almighty I still have the original notes. Ive noticed a trend with you though and you continuously add in your little passive aggressive threats proving that you are a victim of the same fear mongering garbage that Christianity uses to brainwash people into becoming weekly church building attendees. God is using you mightily. All they have to do was speak in tongues and walk! At the age of 20, he founded his own ministry Miracle Encounter Services. Im 65 years old, a believer and constantly facing challenges. I saw in the book of Acts that they spoke in tongues but they were speaking in other mens languages. We ask this through Christ our Lord. David is a unique and emerging spiritual leader, called to take God's saving and healing power to this generation. 0 comment. Well, thats interesting The real issue here is the idea of punishment. This statement has been objected to by Christians who believe that the Bible has no record of such a statement. As I observed in amazement, I said in my heart, Lord, THATS how I want to be used. But only moments after I thought that, Steve looked right at me. He only recently passed away, but his impact continues to this day. To be dead is not a change in location it is the absence of life. Enroll for free. The hour is late, and the signs of the last days are all around us. If people are conscious in Sheol then they must be in a vegetative state. that is up to you. I thank God for David the man of God. His grandparents and parents were also ministers of the word of God. For quite some time, and since the beginning of ministry, I had wanted to preach a miracle service. 1. And if you've been in the ministry for any amount of time, you'll get the same said of you. #encountertv" The official app for David Hernandez Ministries, the evangelistic healing ministry of David Diga Hernandez. ; 208 pages . I think it strange that people criticize that God blesses and anoints. It is amazing how someone like David can express that he wishes that God would save all of humanity but then goes on to preach a sermon full of heresy to make sure that God will not save all of humanity. By the time he was in high school, David was performing miracles. If it is on the way, then it hasnt arrived yet making the process of Gods salvation IMPOSSIBLE to last forever. 22 Likes, TikTok video from Blessing Wabiwa (@dearestdeee): "#duet with @David Diga Hernandez Mathew 4-1-11 the devil is fond of changing the scriptures, be careful not every word is from God #christian #christiantiktok". People can be corrected and people can be rehabilitated. I will share insights on content creation and effective media strategies. Christ will reign for the AGES OF THE AGES for we clearly read in verse 25 that Christ must reign UNTIL (meaning up to the point that it ends) he has put all his enemies under his feet and then he will deliver the kingdom to God the Father. Humans are ALL naturally bent towards evil and if it wasnt for God holding us back from ourselves, we would ALL do nothing but evil continually. Buy Alibris Books Praying In The Holy Spirit: Secrets To Igniting And Sustaining A Lifestyle Of Effective Prayer - By David Diga Hernandez in Canada at TheBay. It was a regular Sunday morning church service. So with what we now understand, lets take a look at the actual scriptural passage that David quotes; 1 Peter 3:18-20 Christ suffered for our sins once for all time. Jesus is the narrow gate that leads to aionios age-abiding life (not eternal life) in the next age where only few find it. How he works in our lives his nature etc. Here is Psalm 90:2 from the New Living Translation; Before the mountains were born, before you gave birth to the earth and the world, from beginning to end, you are God. Some years from now, he will be at an even better place than he is now and will be very well-known. Invite David Diga Hernandez to minister at your next church or ministry event. Perhaps heaven is after weve learned the lesson. So he went and preached to the spirits in prison those who disobeyed God long ago when God waited patiently while Noah was building his boat. David travels all around the world preaching the gospel of salvation through Jesus and ministering the Holy Spirit's power and presence. For you have added lewd acts to all your detestable sins. Christ says that those born of the spirit are like the WIND so it is clear that these words have a connection with each other. There was, however, a major turning point. Is being fearful or timid inherently evil? How can David and all of Christianity believe they are saved when they dont even believe that Jesus Christ was even dead? For He has put all things under His feet. But when He says all things are put under Him, it is evident that He who put all things under Him is excepted. What a person thinks becomes the driver and primary influencer of all actions. God-ordained people cant serve globally if they live in poverty. Appears to have been gently used. For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord your God drives them out from before you. Yet again, another Man of God worth over a million dollars. Debes leer el material que se presenta en las secciones 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 y 4.4 del libro de texto para . Seems that your big hurdle to overcome is not so big after all. We don't provide links of copyrighted material. If we follow along with the biblical teachings about death instead Davids far reaching interpretations, it is simple to follow that there is peace in death for there is no pain, suffering, worrying, etc. 2 5.1 Probabilidad y mtodos de conteo (Valor 55 puntos) Instrucciones: En esta tarea, se trabajar con la introduccin a la probabilidad. Since God has cut him off, Saul summons the services of a witch which just so happens to be a condemned practice in Israel. So I preached my first sermon the next thursday. Is it not to correct? You shall not surely die so Davids teaching is clearly in line with what the serpent proclaims instead of what God proclaims. I hear youre a great healer I want my daughter to be very careful God warns us about false prophets. God uses man to accomplish His purposes but man dies. It is important to know Jesus Christ and the ways of the Father and the Holy Spirit, and when you do, you wont have an issue with the wealth of Godly men and women. In so much as ye have done it to one of these, the least of my brethren, ye have done it to me. Please pray for my daughter Christine, for her salvation, healing, physical, emotional n mental health. I am so thankful to God for having a teacher like you. His ministry is distinctly marked by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. This is necessary in a world where we must learn and experience the knowledge of good and evil. David Diga Hernandez is an evangelist, healing minister, author, and TV host. In the BEGINNING (thats time), God created the heavens and the earth Does it say, in the heavens and earth, God created the beginning? Also read 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 and you will see how God is like a consuming fire. The man introducing us, tapped him on the shoulder. Explicars los conceptos bsicos de probabilidad y calculars la probabilidad de un evento simple. David Diga Hernandez is one of the richest people amongst the celebrity around the globe. If we say minute to minute or hour to hour, it makes sense because those are units of time that we can measure. Deuteronomy 18:9-12 When you come into the land which the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations. His will be done. The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the LORD shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory.Thy sun shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon withdraw itself: for the LORD shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended. Dr. Strong was himself influenced by his own religious bias and as such he inserted his own bias with this word. The Bible truth is still true despite the instrument using it. Praise God for your love and walk with Jesus. Why cant other preachers find out what a living wage is, and just let the offerings of others go toward helping educate poor children or feed the needy. David says that God exists outside of time and I dont necessarily disagree with that statement by itself, however, I thought according to David that the CONTEXT DICTATES MEANING.. Well, David, it would appear that you have taken Psalm 90:2 COMPLETELY out of context if your interpretation is referring to God existing outside of time. I happened to tune into your TV program about one month ago and since then Ive never stopped watching you teach and preach in order to continually stir up the same fire for God within me. Since I can remember, I had battled with a demonic depression and unusual fear. I stillremembermy first time speaking with Pastor Benny. Shifting back to the New Testament, David again attempts to justify that the Greek word aionios pertains to an eternal afterlife. When the cruise is over, they all go on the vacation as originally planned. Davids doctrinal beliefs have been subjected to criticism. Ministry and Spiritual Position were not even a concept in my mind. He says to his audience that theyll hear very far-fetched and stretched explanations about the explanation of Luke 16 and then he says that the universalist does a lot of biblical gymnastics to try to get around the very clear meaning of what the bible says David then quotes Luke 16:22-23 which is very interesting because he doesnt even quote the entire passage but he quotes those two scriptures because of the word Hades. Other powerful ministers of the word of God we have covered are Toni Collier, Sam Collier and Myron Golden. At the age of 13, David started his ministry to have a close relationship with the Holy Spirit. He has an older sister Raquel and a younger brother Michael. You literally damned me to your pagan hell and Im not even dead yet. that can NEVER die This is what the leaders of Christianity say is JUST punishment for the person that rejects God. 2016. Thats in the Word. I was in Ind. Finally, on a wednesday night, I approached Pastor Eddie. And who can stand when He appears? And the overflow of power did, indeed, flood into the public places of my life. He says alluding to this argument, How can God punish someone for all eternity for a life of temporary sin? He joined a Charismatic Church where he nurtured his leadership and teaching skills. Nothing is impossible and Only Believe are David Diga Hernandezs mantras. You are only repeating the words of Christianity. If you desire to bring the heavenly realm into this world, you must learn how to access God's divine authority in prayer. An uncommon site for a church service, my school was the meeting place, and a small brick wall was my platform. The patriarchs of the Bible were extremely wealthy men, yet people point the finger at wealthy men and women of God. There is much more to that short statement but there is actually quite a bit of scriptural support for this belief but what you will learn is that Christianity despises the word of God. Remember what constitutes a living soul which we learned in Genesis 3 and it is the combination of a body and Gods life giving spirit. And how wonderfully His power did flow. David Diga Hernandez, YOU ARE A SPIRITUAL TERRORIST! Now, we have to deal with this word preach in 1 Peter 3:19 for David makes it seem as if Jesus Christ literally went to a place called Sheol/Hades and literally preached a sermon to dead people which are the same dead people that have NO WORK, NO PLANNING, NO KNOWLEDGE, and NO WISDOM. The Greek word kolaz defined as to lop or prune as it refers to gardening is actually a GOOD THING and this metaphor is applicable when it comes to understanding the purpose of Gods judgment. Amen, Pido por la misericordia de Jess estar sana de quistes, miomas, tumores siento algo en mi matriz que me preocupa y quiero sanar de la hernia que tengo por la presiosisima sangre de Jess quiero estar sana. How many is NO ONE? I dont have an issue with David being a millionaire. Good Now we have David, who is a self-proclaimed minister of the word of God that claims that Samuel was called back from the grave The word of God cannot be true as it is stated if what David says is true so who are we to believe? Read my series of the false doctrine of hell then I think you will have a better understanding of why I know hell is a lie. I sobbed tears of joy, as the perfect love of God dispelled all fear. Sadly though, many Christians still having blind eyes and dull ears, do not understand the meaning of the passage. I spent 3 to 5 hrs worship, praying, and reading the bible. He does not retain His anger forever, Because He delights in mercy. God used almost 100 preachers to form who I am today in ministry. But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christs at His coming. Likes 2 Download 4.4K Share The Sign of the Last Days According to Jesus Sunday Nov 06, 2022 Open your spiritual eyes, and discern the times. The scriptures do NOT lie Man lies David lies. Lol. At the 20:00 mark of his 1st video, David quotes actual scriptures that indicate that there is NO consciousness in death then he turns around and contradicts himself in stating that there are actually scriptures that give greater descriptions of this so called afterlife. 25 Feb 2023 02:25:33 original sound - David Diga Hernandez. The company is going under but the CEO says he has a plan to save the company. This is infact very true. There is limited detail about what Jesus actually meant when He used the word Gehenna but I think we can agree that Jesus was NOT referring to literal physical fire. 2014 - 2023 Marathi.TV - All Rights Reserved. Jesus said, If you will be perfect, sell what you have, give to the poor and come, follow me. Do the scriptures really state that Samuel was called back from the grave? Most of the time, the healings took place right on the spot, in view of everyone. So, why would they do this? In my mind, Benny Hinn would be the most unlikely confirmation for several reasons:It is a one in a million shot that Id ever even be able to get close to him. I asked a pastor once; must I fall down when prayed for? He answered, just give a courtesy drop. If the Gospels are a record of the life and ministry of Jesus, then the Book of Acts is a record of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. I guarantee you that you didnt read my entire series on hell before you left your stupid comment. On Mon., Sep. 12, 2022, 1:04 p.m. David says that Jesus wouldnt use heresy to demonstrate a truth but guess who does? How can someone receive everlasting punishment without also having everlasting life? In 1977, I was invited to an Assembly Of God and was exposed to the tongues and slain in Spirit. Parents put their children on punishment and they punish them for bad behavior but the punishment is intended to motivate better behavior. I sat frozen in a cold sweat. He heads an international healing ministry based in Southern California. I leaped at the opportunity. Explaining Matthew 25:41 was certainly no nightmare but the revelation that David himself is one of the devils angels (messengers) might cause him to have nightmares. God knows what he is doing and WHY he is doing it. David Hernandez is an evangelist, healing minister, author and TV host. Thank you so much for your teachingsI am so blessed by just hearing them over and over again! God cannot not die.. Man is NOT immortal so mans experience with God is age-lasting. IT IS WRITTEN! Does this qualify as a scholarly answer David, even though your entire sermon lacks any worthy academic scholarship? I could feel the forces of Heaven and Hell battling over me. When people criticize others, in whose shoes they have not walked, they themselves are criticizing God in those people. I only have one instagram account. The preachers net worth could be approximately $1 million. But if God didnt send them, who did? Davids continues his square circles logic by quoting Psalm 90:2 in an attempt to justify his own foolishness; Psalm 90:2 Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever You had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God. During this age, the age where the faithful few will be enjoying this aionios age-lasting life, the rest of the dead will still be in the grave awaiting the second resurrection which is when the rest of the world will be saved (the vacation for all). When God cuts off or cuts out our sinful carnality, we will grow (learn righteousness) in the future and this is through the experience of Gods age-lasting pruning (corrective judgment). You can check Davids opinion. I just prayed to know Jesus. Now why would a supposed teacher of scripture quote scripture from a bible translation that is considered to be less accurate and unworthy of detailed bible study? 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