Knives Out Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Richard Drysdale : Joylessly masturbating to pictures of dead deer. Shortly before his 85th birthday, he comes to realize he allowed his family to become selfish, mooching, materialistic vultures, and gives most of them a verbal dressing down during his birthday party. Meg is Joni's daughter, who goes to an elite private schoolpaid for, of course, by her grandfather Harlan. Meg and Joni are the more liberal of the Thrombeys, Meg is even marked as a "Marxist" by the others. he's lost out on a large inheritance, had his son arrested for murder, and been outed as an adulterer not to mention his wife punches him giving him a black eye. He fires his son (Michael Shannon), who's been running the publishing business that prints Harlan's successful series of mystery books. Also at the house for Harlan's 85th birthday is Marta, his carer and nurse, who the Thormbeys call part of the family, even if they cannot actually remember which country her family came from. mistaking Marta for Ransom on the night of the murder (specifically saying "Ransom, you're back. Ana de Armas may be less familiar than some of the other stars of Knives Out, but has previously starred in Blade Runner 2049 and is about to have a big year where she will star in new Bond film No Time to Die (alongside Daniel Craig) and play Marilyn Monroe in an adaptation of Joyce Carol Oates' novel Blonde. [Cut to Richard being questioned] From her anxious, cagey behavior and her whispered conversations with Lionel, it is apparent that Claire isn't thrilled to be in this position. He slit his own throat so Marta wouldn't be sent to jail for accidentally giving him a morphine overdose. Nothing makes his plans fall to pieces more than his failure to predict Marta's genuinely good nature; killing Fran ends up working against Ransom when Marta tries to save her instead of just letting her die. He's a foulmouthed Upper-Class Twit. Once he learns he will not be in Grandpa's will anymore, he arranges to have him killed. Though he quickly jumps back to her side upon both of them realizing she's innocent, with Marta just happening to be such an honest person, Sees a stain of blood on Marta's shoe the very first time he speaks with her and figures out that she is involved with Harlan's death somehow, only keeping quiet because he could tell that she wasn't the kind of person who would have killed Harlan directly. The best example is during the climax, when after receiving the phone call from the hospital that could jeopardize their takedown of Ransom, Marta almost instantly fakes news that Fran is alive, tricking Ransom into confessing out of anger. So he's just there to laugh at their reaction. Ransom set Marta up as a pawn to murder Harlan by switching her medicines so she would make a fatal error and lose the inheritance she was willed, allowing it to pass back to the Thrombeys. : Ransom Drysdale : Ransom was wrong, he knew Marta had something to do with Harlan's death all along because he noticed, how Miles Bron attempted Helen's murder, he realizes Miles stole the idea on how to do it from an earlier conversation with, He's correct on all three counts, but the true perpetrator, Ransom, had even, He's also correct that Harlan did commit suicide. but they unite with the family interests when their finances are threatened - though Meg at least seems to regret it. The family clan, and that preposterous house, look as if they have been fed backwards through the Wes Anderson machine, extracting the quirkiness . her son is the murderer and her husband cheated on her. Daniel Craig was the first actor aboard Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery. Blanc suggests he did this specifically out of how much he wanted to see how it'd hurt Ransom as the two loved being cruel to one another. The daughter of Joni and Harlan's late son Neil, and Harlan's granddaughter. Knives Out is a campaign for a 100 percent inheritance tax, . Walt Thrombey Alt-Right troll! Richard is Linda's husband and the father of Ransom. She gets killed for her efforts. This inadvertently saves Marta's life in the climax, when Ransom attempts to stab her with what is revealed to be a collapsible stage dagger. the family pressures her to reveal that Mrs. Cabrera is illegal, a very low tolerance for stupid criminals, contrast to the typical attitude of superiority that tends to come with the trope, Daniel Craig specifically wanted his wardrobe to be "Jaque Tati by way of Cary Grant in 'To Catch A Thief'. Lionel (Leslie Odom Jr.) became a top scientist. More details Starring: Daniel Craig,Chris Evans,Ana de Armas Watch all you want. With his crimes exposed, Ransom is placed in police custody and taken to . Oh, my son's a creep. Meg? Relatively speaking, Meg might be this - she does something pretty awful (revealing that, There's also Great-Nana, Harlan's mother. He already knows that the rest of his family aren't getting "a single red dime". She's a college student getting a liberal arts degree. Read on for a (spoiler-heavy) breakdown of the answers. Only Benoit Blanc, the world-famous detective (played by Daniel Craig) who cleared Marta's name, appears in the sequel, "Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery." As the mystery unfolds, for the first time in some of their lives, they do. This ends up killing him, as instead of letting Marta call an ambulance he concocts an overly complex and dramatic plan to commit suicide so that she wouldn't be implicated in his death, though it was later revealed he wasn't actually dying. When Marta tells him that she injected him with lethal amounts of morphine, he doesn't hold it against her at all and quickly tries to calm her down and set up a plan that would remove her from suspicion of killing him before calmly slitting his own throat. While Whiskey is upset that Duke's dead, the savvy aspiring influencer is the type of person who looks out for number one. When Marta screws up his plans to kill Harlan and retake his inheritance, he proves adept at making things up on the fly to cover his tracks. Richard is Harlan Thrombey 's son in law. : Can be subverted as he didn't do it out of malice but out of desperation shown by a deleted scene. : The character is brought to life by the owner of what in Avengers: Endgame was called "America's ass," Chris Evans, who went from roles in films like Not Another Teen Movie and Fantastic Four to playing Captain America. His characters and their companies and estates are whole-cloth creations, but that's par for the course in contemporary fiction. Linda's husband, Ransom's father, and Harlan's son-in-law. Being the personal assistant to a B-list celebrity wasn't her dream, but it must be fulfilling enough if she doesn't want the work to dry up if Birdie should get canceled. Joni Thrombey Digital Marketer, Sci-fi lover, Global Citizen born and raised in Southeast China. : Shortly after, in the very last scene, Richard is seen sporting a black left eye, implying that Linda is the one who caused it. Who is this prick? gets her the tox report that leads to the above. He confesses as much to Claire in the pool, but it is unclear if he's motivated by protecting consumers or his position. Richard Drysdale - Don Johnson Linda is married to Richard, who helps in the company that Linda runs and is portrayed by Miami Vice star Don Johnson (who won a Golden Globe for the show), who. She's the only person who doesn't get involved in the family's squabbles and plots and even laughs a little when Blanc gives his. Harlan's hidden letter to her says he doesn't need to show Linda the proof he has that Richard is cheating, indicating she already had good suspicions about it and had been unhappy with her husband and marriage for some time. When Helen sits at the water's edge and sees the red and blue lights of the police boats blinking, it's implied that Miles will pay for his crimes. Knives Out is a popular mystery film directed by filmmaker Rian Johnson. Riki Lindhome of Another Period and Garfunkel & Oates plays her. Lionel is starting to suspect that eccentric billionaire Miles is actually an idiot. ", inexplicably giving him a different accent in each film, actually seem genuinely pretty nice at first. [cut to Richard being questioned] Miles hid Andi's blackmail envelope in his office, and he more than lives up to his reputation by the end of both films, He temporarily becomes one to Marta when she tries to hide her apparent part in Harlan's death and then works with Ransom to find the blackmailer. The Thrombeys all promise Marta that they'll take care of her like she's one of the family, but. Christopher Plummer stars as the cantankerous millionaire after playing a similar role, that of John Paul Getty in All the Money in the World, a performance that saw him receive a Golden Globe nomination in 2018. Richard is politically conservative: it is heavily implied he voted for Trump in the 2016 election, and he is opposed to illegal immigration. Knives Out, written and directed by Rian Johnson, brings together an all-star cast for a festive and fun family fatality. Indeed, it's probably that same flair for dramatics that has him thinking less about how someone shot full of such a massive overdose of opiates could be thinking and speaking as clearly as he is and more about how to help his friend arrange to get off without legal trouble. She stood still when the earth rotates and now she's in Southeast America. She isn't, however. "Knives Out" was a hit, and now Daniel Craig hopes "Glass Onion" will once again make a killing. He also wills his entire estate to his nurse and best friend Marta. Knives Out is filled with . At the end of "Glass Onion," Lionel seems to think that Helen has done them all a favor by exposing Miles and his deeply flawed discovery. If you are seeing this bio, that means you have sought her out. during his own death scene he recognizes the switched medicine as a plausible mystery fiction plot and is instantly able to concoct a convoluted plan for Marta to get off scot-free. RICHARD (V.O.) He made his debut with the 2005 high school film noir Brick, which was followed by the romantic caper movie The Brothers. When she cozies up with Miles as Duke peeps through a bedroom window, seemingly devastated, it seems her true self is emerging. The cherry on the cake is Nathan Johnson's terrifically ripe score, as sharp and spiralling as the theatrical crown of knives that hangs behind key interrogation scenes, pointing and prodding. While the audience doesn't know how much Peg makes or how well Birdie Jay treats her, it seems like the gig comes with perks (like a trip to Greece) and frustrations (like having to explain what a sweatshop is to an adult who happens to be your superior). Filming & Production Though it could also be argued that Blanc just likes to think aloud, and Nana seemed like a decent person to do that with/to. "Glass Onion" is even more satirical and self-referential than "Knives Out," with additional outrageous characters stuck in an even more over-the-top location. This is consistent with her character, however, as she's protective of her family and jumps to the conclusion that Marta took advantage of her father. Lieutenant Elliot Trooper Wagner Thrombey Family In General Harlan Linda Richard Ransom Joni Meg Walt Jacob Donna Great-Nana Thrombey Employees Marta Fran Mr. Proofroc Alan Stevens Cabrera Family In General Mrs. Cabrera Alice Previous Index Next King Kong (2005) CharacterSheets/Live-Action Films Glass Onion She doesn't even think of saving herself from the legal ramifications of, Harlan proved himself to be a true friend, quite literally until the end. As Benoit sadly puts it, she should have told the police but wanted to verify Ransom was guilty by sending him a copy of the toxicology report. In the middle of the story, Blanc . Jacob Thrombey The mystery at the center of Knives Out revolves around who killed Harlan Thrombey (Christopher Plummer), a famed mystery novelist who started his own successful publishing house, became. She does manage to lie late in the movie, but barely manages to keep it in long enough for Ransom to confess before vomiting in his face. | Walter being in debt to loan-sharks, with them having broken his leg before. In Knives Out (2019) spouse infidelity is exposed at the end and although the actual confrontation is not shown on screen but the very last scene you see the cheating spouse with a very visible black eye. Miles is probably going away for a long time, even if it seems likely that after the credits rolled, this weaselly credit-taker and his retained lawyers attempt every trick in the book to escape liability. Kids today, with the internet, it's amazing. Inside he finds only a blank piece of paper. [Cut to Walt being questioned] However, after the, calling out the Thrombeys for being opportunistic backstabbing vultures after realizing Marta is completely innocent of the crime, dealing with the totally irredeembable, imbecilic loser of a fraud that is Miles Bron, especially after he realises that Bron literally stole the idea for the murder from his good-natured warning, he's willing and able to see the good in Marta in Knives Out/why Helen trusts him to help her in Glass Onion, the murderer isn't some genius mastermind, but himself having a, But when Ransom tells Marta that more than that, he just couldn't stand the idea of, Andi and Duke didn't die due to some complicated scheme by a Disruptor protecting their self-interest. Harlan (Christopher Plummer) found out and threatened to tell his daughter if Richard didn't come clean. : The only problem? So it goes with the Thrombeys, spinning fairy tales about their "self-made" successes as they take turns shoving one another under the bus Blanc is . Jacob was in that bathroom the night of the party. More on this later. The Thrombreys all value themselves as a family unit and, The more conservative Thrombey family members have a very negative and harsh view of immigrants who don't enter the country "the right way" in their eyes; Richard is especially adamant that adverse consequences be visited on immigrants who break the law. can't even look at Ransom when he's arrested for his crimes averting his eyes in disgust. Does the arrest of Miles finally free her to lead and legislate as she truly would? Despite being introduced as possibly the worst of all the Thrombeys, his apparent. Jacob Thrombey I've got to do this more often. They all assume that Marta somehow "got her claws" into Harlan, because they can't fathom (or perhaps, just don't want to face) that maybe Harlan was simply fonder of her than he was of his own family, because she's a good and kind person and they ultimately aren't. He killed Fran and attempted to murder Marta. Oz met Rian Johnson while working on Star Wars: The Last Jedi where they became friends. He gets top billing, is the second most important figure in the story, and is the one who deduces the truth behind the sordid affair, but Marta is the focal viewpoint character. Biggest Unanswered Questions From Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery. They're putting kids in cages! To do that, she'd have to win her election, and "Glass Onion" ends abruptly, without comment. Harlan's housekeeper. If he simply stuck to his claim of helping Marta stay on the down low in exchange for her giving him a cut of the inheritance when he found out Marta didn't overdose Harlan instead of trying to frame Marta for Fran's murder, Marta likely wouldn't have shown the tox report to Blanc and Ransom wouldn't have been found out. This is the reason why he doesn't immediately clue in on Miles in, where Helen always consults him on what moves she should take next to find the killer. Walt doesn't run shit! From acclaimed writer-director Rian Johnson comes this suspenseful, twist-filled whodunnit with an all-star ensemble cast including Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas, Jamie Lee Curtis,. Walt Thrombey and willingness to pull out his phone to pile on Marta, He gives testimony that he heard his grandfather fighting with Ransom, his cousin, while using the toilet. The Thrombeys are all elated to find out Ransom was cut from the will saying it's the best thing that could have happened to him. In the role of Joni is Toni Colette, the Australian actor and Oscar-nominated star of The Sixth Sense, Muriel's Wedding and Hereditary. It's zigzagged somewhat at the end, as when his final murder attempt fails Ransom ceases kicking up a fuss entirely and accepts what's coming to him. He plans several genuinely clever and well-disguised. It could be an egomaniac's elaborate forgery. However, it is much more noticeably the true murderer, Ransom, who has his plans repeatedly upset by underestimating her. But, as it turns out, her biggest crime is that she just isn't smart enough to run a fashion label. It hangs on his wall under layers of protective glass controlled by an automated security system. After he manages to alienate nearly his entire family at his party, he ends up dead, leaving an entire family tree full of suspects. Blanc outright, and imaginatively skilled at coming up with murder schemes, claims to be looking out for his "birthright," but couldn't care less about the rest of his family as long as he gets his own share, It loses its punch somewhat when it's revealed that the. She's coded as a self-absorbed, superficial socialite who considers herself to be above the law. Walt's wife is Donna, who director Rian Johnson called, "very uptight [and] very frightened of a lot of things in the world" in an interview with GamesRadar. Benoit Blanc correctly deduces that bringing Helen, cosplaying Andi, will be the ultimate disruption to the disruptors' murder mystery affair, though at great risk to himself and the impostor sister. There isn't a clear explanation as to why this cast is so jam-packed with stars, but who's complaining? Since Marta gave him the right medication, his suicide was ultimately for nothing. He killed Duke via his allergic reaction to his mixed drink. Of course, it just goes to show that this guy is. Meg Thrombey Viewers might wonder, what would Claire do as governor or senator if corrupt oligarchs weren't pulling her strings? Birdie Jay (Kate Hudson) became a cover girl and fashion designer. : Presumably, Helen will be able to prove in court that Andi was the originator of the napkin idea and that Miles killed her (and Duke) to prevent that information from coming out which begs the question: what happens next for Helen? [questioned about Walt] By Rian Johnson, brings together an all-star cast for a 100 percent tax! A 100 percent inheritance tax, who considers herself to be above law! Despite being introduced as possibly the worst of all the Thrombeys, his apparent be in Grandpa 's will,! 'S just there to laugh at their reaction where they became friends would. Morphine overdose it out of malice but out of malice but out of malice out. Threatened - though meg at least seems to regret it his wall under of. 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