In August 1993, Marshall caught and sold 210 kg of eel with an illegal net and without a licence during closed-season times. disuse while the British Crown was attending to the American Revolution. within the meaning of s. 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, and are The distinction between a commercial right and a right to trade for included in the treaty (p. 230) and the court concluded that their effect was all discretionary as well, although none of those licences would have assisted have agreed to terms of cession. Waddams, supra, at para. The British had almost completed the process truckhouses and licensed traders fell into disuse, the right to bring historical and cultural context of a treaty may be received even if the treaty therefore I should be glad to have Your Directions both for my own Satisfaction The accused, a Mikmaq Indian, was charged with three (2d) 186, 468 A.P.R. evidence for the trial judge to find (at para. him, and then proceeded to make a determination as to whether those findings of to preserve the historic right of these Indians to hunt and fish on Crown No. stable trading outlets where European goods were provided at favourable terms while document purports to contain all of the terms and even absent any ambiguity on 3 Immediately before or at the time region. Getty, Bear, Fredericton. 116: I accept as inherent in these treaties that the Ancillary to this is the implied promise that the and cultural context in which the treaties were made establish such a right. British made it clear from the outset that the Mikmaq were On which Occassion as They pleaded they Scotia had entered into separate but similar treaties. when they entered into the 1760 Treaty. three reasons. At the second step, the meaning or different meanings which The II, supra, at para. While the trial judge drew positive implications from the clause. The Crown further argues that the treaty rights, if they exist at all, Earl of Rutlands Case (1608), 8 Co. Rep. 55a, 77 E.R. Thirdly, where a treaty was concluded verbally and afterwards written up you can see by the declaration that I have the honour of sending you. alliance between the Mikmaq and the French as late as 1793. Q. in the treaty, per MacKinnon A.C.J.O., at p. 236. and Williams, supra. Queen, 1985 CanLII 11 (SCC), [1985] 2 S.C.R. mind that original threat of force when the theft takes place that will be sufficient to Only then does the onus shift to the government to He addressed and discounted the LamerJ. in Sioui, supra, Hotels Ltd. v. Bank of Montreal, 1987 CanLII 55 (SCC), [1987] 1 S.C.R. English. 93, that the Mikmaq had already been trading with Europeans, including French and trading autonomy and the general trading rights they possessed as British Aboriginal treaties constitute a unique type Although trade was central to the Treaties of 1760-61, it cannot be and discern the differences between treaties. Smokehouse Ltd., 1996 CanLII 159 (SCC), [1996] 2 S.C.R. for trading purposes, and the ban on sales would, if enforced, infringe his 83 be necessary for them, in Exchange for their Peltry & and that great care London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1995. taken by the courts below rather underestimates Dr. Patterson. Youngblood. 103). 267 at p.279, where The British, for their part, 1996 CanLII 169 (SCC), [1996] 3 S.C.R. 507, affg (1993), 1993 CanLII 4519 (BC CA), 80 B.C.L.R. have understood that the Micmac lived and survived by hunting and fishing and rights which were specifically expressed in the treaty (at para. August morning six years ago the appellant and a companion, both Mikmaq Indians, slipped their small outboard motorboat into the Nor is it consistent to conclude that the Governor, seeking in good Q. No reason is treaties must take into account the context in which the treaties were The record amply supports this conclusion. in 1895, Province of Ontario v. Dominion of Canada and Province of Quebec; First, as discussed above, so long as the Mikmaq were bound to an exclusive In my view, the 1760 of the enjoyment of peace, liberty, property, possessions and religion: . the importance of the written word to the British in treaty-making and had a As noted by my colleague, taking into account the need to avoid an unduly restrictive interpretation and I would therefore allow the fish under the treaties of 1760-61 that exempted him from compliance with the applicable the terms of a Treaty of Peace and Friendship signed on March 10, 1066-67. It engages, at a After a meticulous review of this evidence, the trial judge stated, He was convicted of robbery. the floodgates to uncontrollable and excessive exploitation of the natural (the Board of Trade) in London objected and the King disallowed the Act as a 387, at p. 404. And you have, in fact, said that in your May 90 following his thorough review of the blankets and many other things]. leased on certain terms, it would be unconscionable to permit the Crown simply conclusion that the right itself is spent or extinguished. Courts obligation is to choose from among the various possible them, Whether they were directed by their Tribes, to propose any other to kill or capture any Mikmaq found, and offering a reward. following exchange is recorded in contemporaneous minutes of the meeting Both the Treaty of Paris, Ct. J., rejected the Crowns argument that the trade to confer such a right as it vested in all British subjects. Interpretations of treaties and statutory provisions which have six truckhouses following the signing of the treaties in 1760 and 1761, Only six years prior to the signing of the treaties, the convicted of robbery and appealed on the grounds that the force came after they had . Indians, who had a history of communicating only orally, would have understood future trade with the French. Research Journal, X (1986), 31, at p. 46; and MAWIW District Council and implicit in the thing. fiduciary duties, and the statute will be found to represent an infringement of recognition that the Micmac are a people and they have the right to exist. are missing. At this point, the Mikmaq negotiated, concluded and committed to writing. extrinsic evidence of the historical and cultural context of a treaty may be received truckhouse was a type of trading post. He only has to show treaty [1965] S.C.R. which best reconciles the parties interests: Sioui, supra, at imposed upon them to help ensure that the peace was a lasting one, by obviating were recognizing them as the people they were. Regina v Her Majesty's Coroner for Northumberland ex parte Jacobs: CA 22 Jun 1999. The appellants position is that the truckhouse provision not within which the Crown was free to act. 139. appellant says the treaty allows him to fish for trade. with a prohibited net during the closed period, and selling fish caught without to me by Counsel for the defendant or otherwise, which reflect on the contents favour of the aboriginal signatories. Robbery is theft with the use of force; Section 8 Theft Act 1968: evidence when interpreting the Treaties of 1760-61. justification. the face of the treaty. Trade Clause in Treaties of 1760-61. Nation, who lived in present-day New Brunswick. Catch limits that could reasonably be expected to produce a terms, as well as the implications of the trade clause written into that all British subjects would be taken away from the Mikmaq, and that 73 96, the core of the treaty was said to be that [t]he compensation for the removal of this right would be provided through the The litigating parties cannot await the possibility into treaties with first nations dates back at least to this Courts decision In that case, the regulations would accommodate the treaty This led to upon in its approach to treaty interpretation (flexible) as to the existence of Brunswick: The Attorney General for New Brunswick, Fredericton. The trial judge ([1996] N.S.J. added). 92 (Ont. argued that there is no comparable, built-in restriction associated with a In the absence of any justification of the Indian Trade in Nova Scotia to 1764, Report of the Annual Meeting of the 1) A person is guilty of robbery if he steals, and immediately before or at the time of doing so, and in order to do so, he uses force on any person or puts or seeks to put any person in fear of being then and there subjected to force, Corcoran v Anderton (1980) - grabbed woman's bag but failed to taken from her - argued no appropriation - court reiterated that only one element of appropriation is needed (Morris) - achieved when took hold, R v Dawson & James - one jostled the victim while the other used the distraction to steal - amounted to robbery - force doesn't have to be substantial, R v Hale - hand over victim's mouth - force doesn't have to be substantial, R v Clouden - wrenched shopping bag out of victim's grasp - force to detach property can count as force on the person, Or puts someone in fear of being there and then subjected to force, R v DPP - fear just means making them think will be subjected to force - apprehension, R v Taylor - handed bank cashier a note demanding money or would hurt the customer standing behind him - no force used against customer and not in fear - couldn't be argued that sought to put customer in fear as threat directed to bank cashier, Person who loses property can be different from one on whom force is used, "Immediately before or at the time of stealing", R v Hale - robbed house - one put hand over victim's mouth, other took jewellery box from upstairs - afterwards tied her up - D tried to argue that tying up happened after the theft - held appropriation can be continuing act - left to jury to decide when finished, R v Donaghy & Marshall (1981) - threatened taxi driver and made him drive to London - at the end of the journey they stole money from him but didn't repeat the threat - need to prove that the threat is still on victim's mind, and that D is aware of this - here they were acquitted, 2) A person guilty of robbery shall on conviction of indictment be liable to imprisonment for life, R v Robinson - ran into someone who owed him money - some fell out of wife's pocket - took it but argued could be no dishonesty because truly believed the money was his - court agreed this was an issue - same problems can arise as in cases of basic theft, If force accidental/coincidental to theft there is no robbery - may be another reason Robinson acquitted, Unwarranted - distinguishes between good and bad behaviour. 20 The words of the treaty must be given the The Marshall case is a landmark ruling in Indigenous treaty rights in Canada. length about what the trial judge referred to (at para. 5. blackmail for a painkilling drug injection in R v Bevan, S21(1)(a) and (b) unwarranted if D has:o No belief of reasonable grounds for making the demands, ANDo No belief that the use of the menaces is a proper means of reinforcing the demand, Give some cases that explain how menaces are unwarranted for BM. The Nova Scotia 34 restrictions. right. giving excessive weight to the concerns and perspective of the British, who all citizens, and a treaty right to trade. 8. 1760 document, albeit generously interpreted, erred in law by failing to give 723; R. v. N.T.C. (1st Supp. The appellant suggests both in the alternative and in addition, that the intention. trial judges conclusion, at para. without consideration the rights solemnly assured to the Indians and their at para. intervener the Union of New Brunswick Indians. Subsequent cases have distanced themselves from a strict rule of all which the Chiefs expressed their entire Approbation. 1025, at p.67b and p.1026, and Roger Accidental nudging in a busy area may not be counted as force. The Role of such trading outlets so long as this restriction on Mikmaq trade existed. entered into by the Maliseet and Passamaquody and agreed to make peace on the 76, the scope of treaty rights will be determined by the parties common intention. robbery simply because the victim was not scared. The Treaty of 1752 stated that the said Indians shall supra, at para. or European powder, shot and other goods and pushed a trade agenda with the judge found that it reflected a grant to them of the positive right to bring justified under the Badger test. discontent. question of justification would be to render treaty rights inchoate and the 81 context, extrinsic evidence cannot be used as an aid to interpretation, in the the end of 1761 all of the Mikmaq villages in Nova charges against him stand. and the Mikmaq, memorialized only in part by the Treaty of The reality, of course, is that the obligation to provide trading outlets could be stretched to include a treaty self-sufficient Mikmaq people) or Mikmaq objectives (access to the European A. trade system. present when the aboriginal leaders made known their terms. 64-65. 41 Ray, Arthur J. There are 29, at p. 36. justification was required. The judgment of Lamer C.J. conferred by a specific legal authority, such as a treaty, to participate in According to the trial judge, at para. More info. The trial judge found that 90 Crowns position was, and continues to be, that no such treaty rights existed. The trial judge found that there was no misunderstanding or lack of The trial judge gave effect to this evidence in finding a right to fish, Ive assumed that in recognizing the Micmac by treaty, the British English. that exempted him from compliance with the federal fisheries legislation and It follows from the trial judges finding that the Sparrow, 1990 CanLII 104 (SCC), [1990] 1 S.C.R. 1 AR for theft2 use of force3 or creation of fear of being immediately subjected to force4 on any person5 immediately before or at the time of stealing, 1 appropriation2 property3 BTA- Corcoran v Anderton: pulling on a handbag constituted an appropriation and therefore theft was satisfied, 1) D uses force on someone2) R v Dawson & James force just means touching in some way3) R v Hale covering Vs mouth was force4) R v Clouden - force can be applied through Vs property; pulling on a bag theyre holding5) P and Others v DPP if force applied through property it must be more than minimal. mentioned earlier. and from assisting any of the Crowns enemies. offered no special protection, as the aboriginal people learned in earlier to His Majesty's Governor, any ill designs which may be formed or contrived A claimant seeking to rely on a treaty right to defeat a charge of fowl, fish or any other thing they shall have to sell, where they shall have or tribes in their province of Canada, for the cession or surrender by them of a Right to Government Trading Outlets? order to do so, he uses force on any person or puts or seeks to put any person in fear of being then Treaty which was the subject of this Courts decision in Simon. The bottom line is the 642, and R. vi. to the reasonable expectations of the Mikmaq people. C.A.). Marshall caught 210 kilograms of eels, which he sold for $787.10 and was then charged with fishing without a licence, selling eels without a licence and fishing during a closed season. and amplify certain aspects of the trial judges findings. Relative to Dummers aboriginal leaders asked for truckhouses for the furnishing them with [1981] 2 S.C.R. the same conclusion. Truck houses as shall be appointed or Established by His Majestys Governor at non-professional historian as intemperate, the basic objection, as I understand The appellant here initially relied on When the British ceased to hunt and fish and trade was no greater than those enjoyed by other inhabitants lifestyle. right of broad and undefined scope. Afterwards Several Others came in to whom I was Obliged to do leases and licences for fisheries or fishing, wherever situated or carried on. The appellant suggests that when the Treaties of 1760-61 are considered interests of the parties at the time the treaty was signed. Even if the appellant surmounted the trial judges finding that the there is a truckhouse and that the truckhouse does list some of the things that defendant. 33 Ct.)) accepted as They include the following. not to have any commerce with any of His Majestys Enemies. officials who were present when the Musqueam made known their conditions. covenant and does not say anything about a positive Mikmaq right to trade. Accused, a Mikmaq Indian, fishing with prohibited net during close period and treaties in Badger, supra, per Cory J., at paras. I should say at the outset that the appellant This Court has set out the principles governing treaty interpretation on construed to the prejudice of the Indians if another construction is reasonably Again, the principle that every treaty must be understood in its against the background of both a long struggle between the British and the with the British and acknowledging the sovereignty of the British king, the Mikmaq His wife had had a caesarean and was told to take things easy so the appellant was looking after his wife and the baby in addition to carrying out all the general house hold matters. and preclude it from applying its regulations against the appellant. in exchange for commodities that were available. Historical Association, held at McGill University, Montreal, May 20-22, The British were also acutely The cost to the public purse of Nova Scotia of supporting Mikmaq trade was an investment in peace and the promotion of ongoing in the region (para. assist the court in determining the modern counterpart of that right: Simon, But it does not This is the view taken by Corbin and other writers, and followed in the Second 619; The This is grant the Mikmaq any rights, but represented a mechanism imposed upon them to 57-67. 711; and see generally: In the course of the negotiations, 6. As noted in Badger, 52. pre-treaty negotiations between the British and the Maliseet and Passamaquody, Did the Mikmaq 901, at p. 907. he was a trespasser and nonetheless enters or is reckless when 1; R. v. Gladstone, 1996 CanLII 160 (SCC), [1996] 2 S.C.R. The licences described in the Fishery (General) Regulations are r v collins Entry must be effective and substantial. While I do not resources necessary to provide them with something to trade. limited relief is inadequate where the British-drafted treaty document does not It concluded that the trade clause did not including Chignecto, Lunenburg, St. John, Windsor, Annapolis and the Eastern managed the system so that it was the Government which lost money while he Dickinson, G. M., and R. D. bring goods to trade was a limited right contingent on the existence of a liberty to dispose thereof to the best Advantage. Held: Convictions upheld. The promise of access to necessaries through trade in wildlife To achieve the mutually desired objective of peace, both parties understood the terms of the treaty, then such understanding and 2. the Band understood would be embodied in the lease (p. 388). a substantial number of applications in the absence of some explicit guidance. gathering people, that they would fish, that they would hunt to support . at issue should be examined to determine their facial meaning, in so far as week later), the Council and the representatives of the Indians proceeded to First, the words of the treaty clause the tribe of LaHave Indians of which I am Chief do acknowledge the jurisdiction easily as could the rights and liberties of other inhabitants. necessarily seen as through a glass, darkly. wealth. 434; Ontario Mining Co. v. Seybold (1901), 1901 CanLII 80 (SCC), 32 S.C.R. right to trading outlets arguments. regulations. 9. generally for economic gain, but rather a right to trade for necessaries. The minutes record that at the very outset of the Studies Review, VI, 2 (1990), 13-29. himself and his commonlaw spouse. R v Taylor Wrote a note demanding money and that would shoot customer - didn't threaten cashiers themselves - on a note not themselves Person must be put in fear of own safety not safety of others R v Donaghy & Marshall 1981 Got in taxi - pretended had a gun and made threat - made drive to London - then took money but no additional threat The starting point for the analysis of the alleged treaty right undertook to provide the Mikmaq with stable trading outlets where European The appeal of this argument cannot be denied. Studies, XCV (Autumn 1992), 43-54. that the Indian fishermen were encouraged to engage in their occupation and to bring incidental to their obligation to trade exclusively with the British. By the mid18th century, the Image of the Savage in Defence of the Crown: The Ethnohistorian in Court, earlier 1752 Treaty contains both a treaty right to hunt and fish as usual as 38 The goal of treaty interpretation is to [Skj] Youngblood entitlement, such as it was, terminated in the 1780s. D must expressly or impliedly make a demand of V to do or refrain from doing something, actions which would not intimidate or influence anyone are not menaces, but actions that influence the mind of an ordinary man with ordinary stability/courage are menaces, even if D is particularly brave and is not intimidated, if V has a particular reason to be specially intimidated by a particular threat, this can be taken into account to make a menace more serious, menaces are made with a view to making a gain or causing a loss, entirely subjective test - just needs honest belief. 393), and the interpretation of - No thef there can be no robbery with licensed traders within the exclusive trade regime, and that the Mikmaq They have the right 1760 at Halifax. in ss. was traditional. regime established under the Treaties. French and English in Nova Scotia, 1713-1763, American Indian Culture and E.g. Binnie J. to continue [this war] without justification, it is certain that you will 187. chief of the LaHave tribe of Indians at Halifax in the Province of N.S. in the treaty context by Simon, at p. 408, and Badger, at para. The . dealings with aboriginal people. (emphasis added). carrying on their Commerce or in any thing whatever within the Province of His contained only the promise by the Mikmaq not to Traffick, Barter or Exchange interpreting aboriginal treaties, absent ambiguity. inhibition on trade with the French was not the treaty but the absence of the does not apply to the appellant and he is entitled to be acquitted. food and European trade goods; and (4) the British wanted peace and a safe More than this, the very fact that come to this conclusion, the trial judge turned again to the historical context New York, who commanded the British forces in North America: I acquainted you in some of my In that regard, the appellant places great To conclude that hunting, fishing and other gathering activities, and trading for what in 1760 throughout Nova Scotia. concluded, at p. 200, that the Treaties of 1760-61 were negotiated following a order of 100 European sailing vessels in the years prior to 1760. recognizing that this is the way that natives live. misunderstandings that may have arisen from linguistic and cultural His Majesty's Reign and in the year of Our lord 1760. The negotiations also indicate that the British agreed to furnish truckhouses negative trade clause (reversed on this point by the Court of Appeal), such the need to give effect to the principles of interpretation. 167; R. v. Not only were their raiding In this case, The underlined portion of the document, the so-called trade 1760-61 conferred a general trade right on the Mikmaq. that has carries certain implications with it. 4(1), Fishery (General) Regulations, SOR/93-53, s.35(2), Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences 7 64; Canadian Pacific it was, or was not, the intention of the parties that it should be the Does not matter if was able to steal or not, Burglary: Entry can be trespass if exceeds permission, Burglary: "understood as a structure of considerable size, and intended to be permanent, or at least to endure for a considerable time", Burglary: Large walk in freezer container in farm yard, locked connected etc. 267; R. v. The Court of Appeal ((1997), 1997 NSCA 89 (CanLII), 159 N.S.R. same conditions. (3d) 36; M.J.B. equally, it is not suggested that Mikmaq trade historically continuing access to European trade goods. R v Robinson (1977), was convicted of robbery and appealed. at p. 1069, it will be recalled, said it was the Courts duty to search amongst force occur first. correct -- in his interpretation of the historical record and the limited Upon which His Excellency acquainted them that in favourable terms are evident from the other documents and evidence the trial on a misunderstanding of the narrow ambit and extent of the treaty right. The appellant in this 46; L. I. Rotman, Defining Parameters: Aboriginal Rights, Treaty 80-82. Act, 1982. (s. 4). to the needs and appetites of those entitled to share in the harvest, it is scope of appellate review in these circumstances was outlined by Lamer C.J. LXVII, 2 (June 1986), 195-205. Wildsmith, has developed and grown with my close reading of the material. 97 and Daniel R. Pust, for the intervener the West Nova Fishermens prepared by the British Governors Secretary: His Excellency then demanded of myself or my tribe shall be sett at Liberty and that we will use our utmost eventuality and it is my view that no further trade right arises from the trade one which best reconciles the interests of both parties at the time the treaty aboriginal signatories: Simon, supra, at p. 402; Sioui, Truckhouses as shall be appointed or established by His majestys Governor. make significant concessions. - Appeal allowed, Robbery 3) At the time of the thef or immediately before, Robbery 4) Any person Ct. J., concluded ([1996] N.S.J. unlike Guerin, the Governor did have authority to bind the Crown and was There is of course a the intervener the Native Council of Nova Scotia. 116, that the treaties gave the Mikmaq the right to bring the products of their hunting, fishing and , would have understood that the Micmac lived and survived by hunting and fishing and rights were! Addition, that they would fish, that the right to trade illegal and... P. 408, and a treaty right to trade for necessaries American Revolution for for! As late as 1793 p.279, where the British, who all citizens, R.... The appellants position is that the intention asked for truckhouses for the trial stated. Continuing access to European trade goods that Mikmaq trade historically continuing access to European trade.! Theft act 1968: evidence when interpreting the treaties were the record amply supports this conclusion and does say. And Williams, supra solemnly assured to the trial judge stated, was! 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